Hi all,
From a long time I have a webservice that always worked fine.
After I've installed the last PB, if I create and install the msi file, when I call the webservice it return me SOAP SERVICE ERROR.
I've found that the error is about "Sybase.PowerBuilder.Interop.dll"; it seems that the system can't find this module or it's dependencies.
Obviously before to run the webservice I've done the follwing steps:
1) installed the "PBNETRT" using the packager utility.
2) installed the "PBCLTRT" using the packager utility.
3) Copied the necessary DLL in c:\window\syswow64
4) I've set the environment variable PATH as "C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\PowerBuilder Runtime Packager\Runtime"
The system is Windows 2019 X64
The feature IIS is installed with .NET framework 4.7
When I call the webservice the return is always "SOAP Service Error"
Can anyone help me? What can I try?
After you updated your PB IDE & runtime, did you ...
1) Replace the WSClientNNN.pbd library in your PB App's library list with the new version from the latest PB installation?
2) Regenerate all your Web Service Data Window objects?
Regards ... Chris
Yes , Regenatred ws !
How to find is WSClientNNN.pbd and replace ?!