Featured Questions

Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hello, I have found this: https://www.appeon.com/developers/get-help/knowledgebase/how-solve-composite-or-nested-datawindow-cant-set-dynamic-create-dataobject-create-dw-report-issue.html   New feature code: DataWindowChild dwc_report l_rtn = dw_...
Hi, We're working with sql server 2019 and the latest msoledb driver (from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/oledb/download-oledb-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver16). When calling a procedure that has output parameters we get th...
Hey All,Returning to PB community after 4 years absence. Sorry, y'all! Anybody has any experience connect PB app to Google's Big Query using any kind of DB driver?These days I sadly do more data then PowerScript. Maybe I can cross back, especially i...
Hi, this issue is since PB2017 and now we see the same behavior in PB2022 R2. The text under the X and Y coordinate appears in the opposite direction and I believe that it is the same in all right to left languages....
Hello, i'm using the new SMTPClient and it's working good but i've noticed a strange behaviour when i look at the sent email Even if I add only one recipient  and only one attachment to the message, the recipient always gets multiple sender referenc...
Hi all, My application registers with Windows as a DDE Server, and communicates with several different 3rd party apps through DDE.  We're just now exploring how to communicate via Excel by the same means. In Excel, I put a button on the worksheet t...
Does anyone know how i can make the datawindow saveas functionality creates the excel file with the Program Name populated with Microsoft Excel?  I'm saving my dw data to excel file and wants to use Syncfusion to open and manipulate the file as ne...
  Our C# application needs to use a specific business feature within a PowerBuilder application. As advised by our technical team, the C# application will send instructions to the PowerBuilder application using commands. The PowerBuilder application...
Hi all, I have a transaction (n_tr) object that uses its sqlpreview event to log all embedded SQL, to w_sqlspy (PFC classes). It works great, but I'd like to get information of where this embedded sql came from. It is really difficult to simply loo...
The reference for the Print method when printing a single DataWindow or DataStore states that for DataStores, "the canceldialog argument must always be set to false." Why is that? Link to reference page: https://docs.appeon.com/pb2022/datawindow_re...
Hi Experts,   In PowerBuilder, when I define a datawindow (for example: d_city) for a dropdown column in my application, and at the time of assigning the datawindow to the column, the datawindow exists in my source code. Unfortunately, if the defin...
Hi, how are you?This is the source code written in Appeon PowerBuilder 2019 R3 version.[ Source Code ] Blob lblb_dataBlob lblb_sha1String ls_data lblb_data = Blob("Test SHA1", EncodingANSI!) CrypterObject lnv_CrypterObjectlnv_CrypterObject = Creat...
Hello, I am moving a application from PB2019 to PB2022. After migrating the project I get the following errors... ---------- Compiler: Errors (11:02:27 AM)pims_base.pbl(u_module_page).u_module_page.Instance Variables.14: Error C0101: Referenced obj...
I need to decrypt a password in c# that i both encrypt and decrypt in PB.  It took a while to figure out and the following works.  the value to decrypt is ls_encrypted (base64 string) and the decryption key is: is_symkey     PB:lblb_pwrdencypted ...
Hi Everyone I'm looking to use PB2022 deploying to 64-Bit EXE and was wondering if anyone has successfully used this to create a 64-Bit mailSession to access Outlook/Office 365 via 64-bit MAPI? In theory it should just work, but thought I would ask...
Hi,   How can I open an userobject in the center of the parent window without calculation?  I fave the following code: int li_ret li_ret = this.OpenUserObjectWithParm(n_cst_myuserobject, "param1") If li_ret = 1 then End If  where the "t...
Dear Team ,    Can any one share the sytax of the GetAll and getBy Id in soap Api...   I have a syntax for get all.but its not working...   integer li_retinteger li_StatusCodestring ls_url,ls_soap_actionstring ls_datastring ls_bodystring ls_ret...
Iam doing a getAll soap api in power builder. I got status is 200 and ok..but i didnot get the response .can any one help me ..     Code sytax:   integer li_retinteger li_StatusCodestring ls_url,ls_soap_actionstring ls_datastring ls_bodystring l...
Apparently PB is WAY ahead of .net and implemented SHA3 before .net did.  It is supposed to be in .net 8, which is as of today on RC2.   Looking up a few things, it appears that the SHA3 standard can have 2 different implementations that generate 2...
Dear friends,     I have a issue with Getall soap.can any one share the sytax of the Getall or GetById...   i will share my code and error..   integer li_retinteger li_StatusCodestring ls_url,ls_soap_actionstring ls_datastring ls_bodystring ls_...

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