I have found this: https://www.appeon.com/developers/get-help/knowledgebase/how-solve-composite-or-nested-datawindow-cant-set-dynamic-create-dataobject-create-dw-report-issue.html
New feature code:
DataWindowChild dwc_report
l_rtn = dw_composite.GetChild("dw_report ", dwc_report)
ls_dwsyntax = dw_1.Describe("DataWindow.Syntax")
dwc_report.dynamic create (ls_dwsyntax, error_create)
I've tried to do the same thing in my script but it doesn't work for me.
When I do "dynamic create" on the datawindowchild of my composite, it gets stuck and doesn't come back.
Any idea why it doesn't work for me?
Thank you in advance,