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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
We gone though the help document provided in the URL https://docs.appeon.com/ps2022/SQLCode_property.htmland need few clarifications on the return value. PowerBuilder:Currently in PowerBuilder SQLCode returns 100 - if stored procedure returns a resu...
I feel a bit trepidatious asking this question as the last time I had a problem with PB2022 R2 my Laptop had a failing SSD and that was the fault. Unfortunately, I have two important applications which are behaving differently under their R2 compila...
Hello, Is it possible to change the tabpage(control) background color, in a tab control. I am able to get the color, but i cannot change it. Thanks,...
We have an issue where Power Clients are not updating when we have deployed an updated version of the software. If we delete the application from the destination PC and access the URL the application deploys OK When developing Power Clients, we depl...
Hi There If I compile an application which uses MSOLEDBSQL19 in 64 bit PB2022 R3, deploying as a PowerClient, I get the following when I try to run the program If I compile and deploy as a 32bit program all is fine. Both 64bit and 32bit work fine ...
Hi    I have an svn repository version 2.1.5 running on Window server 2012 R2. I created a repository for 2022R2 and have our application connected to it and all is good. When i upgrade to 2022R3 it updated my 2022R3 Powerbuilder version and i no ...
I have some pictures in my aplication, when i run it, the pictures are good, but i compile and in the exe file they don't show, i don't know what happen. I prove it on release 2022 R2 and then in release 2020 R3, and its the same  ...
We have migrated a PB 8.0 application to PB 2022 environment and deployed on IIS server uisng Power Server 2022. PowerBuilder Code & database running on SQL Anywhere 17.0 are deployed on AWS environment. Executing business logic code written us...
We have migrated pb from 2009 to PB 2019 . And while testing one flow to show PDF then we are getting null pointer reference. Code which we use is below : olewebbrowser.object.navigate("C:\Users\suraksw1\AppData\Local\Temp\30\amdDC31.pdf")  ole...
Hi, according to the specification of the "Theme enhancements" in PB2022 R3, a MDI-Sheet with borders between 2 and 8 pixels should have the specified number of pixels as border width: https://docs.appeon.com/pb/whats_new/ch01s01s08.html#Theme_resi...
We are currently in the process of enhancing our systems, and as part of this effort, we are looking to upgrade our PowerBuilder version from 2017 to PB 2022. In this transition, one critical consideration involves our internal reports that rely on t...
I want to know if I can change the name of the app after been deployed? We have different environments for testing, but is unacceptable under our standard to create a new power server project for each DB and redeploy. I need to use the same deploymen...
Hi ! PowerServer 2022 R2 / R3 question: Where is this information about Current server version stored ?2024-02-02 11:28:39.040 INFO [5176] Current server version: 24.00.2024.223, 24.01.2024.01, 24.03.2024.11, 24.03.2024.12, 24.03.2024.14; latest ve...
Hello, I have a question on string encoding behavior when sending an HTML SMTP message. Here is a description of the workflow: First, we are reading in an HTML file as a message template. We are also reading a customizable message from a DataWindow...
Hi This is an enhancement request Please allow referencing nested reports through GetChild. I think this is just an old Sybase limitation which has no reason anymore. This limitation can be cheated with a nasty trick: dw_1.Modify("processing=5") ...
Hi Team, We are using Powerserver CloudPro Edition.    We have a datawindow where a column is an Identity column and has a Primary constraint. We are updating the Identity value in UpdateEnd event of the Datawindow. Before that, we are trying to f...
Hi We currently have a very basic JWT Authentication model. We are looking to change this model so that the database login information is used as the user name and password for the authentication. ie. We need to extend the JWT authentication so tha...
Odd issue that's been plaguing me for awhile now. I'm trying to authenticate against ping access (grab a token) so that I can call a rest api with that token. Here's the powerbuilder code:  Constant Integer SECURE_PROTOCOL_TLS = 5 //Set TLS to 1...
There are about 70 libraries.Even when compiling only one specific PBL,It takes too long.Is there any way to shorten the time?...
Hi,  We just migrated to PB2022 R3,build 3289.  I have an HTML file that we load into webbrowser and automatically saves images of charts.  In PB2019 R2, download dialogue boxes don't appear, but now it keeps showing in PB2022 R3.  Is there a set...

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