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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
We tried to connect to Workspace using our internal GitHub repository However when we specify our repository and try connection we receive an error message: Failed to perform the specified operation. Please make sure you can connect to the server r...
Hi everyone. I am using PB 2019 R3 2703. We have a problem in our PB application with users being able to attach corrupt files. I want to be able to check whether a file is corrupt before I allow the attachment, but this is not as easy as I thought....
Hi all, I posted this question in the previous thread along with another question and it went unanswered, so I'm trying again: I have read that PBD files are the same for both 32 and 64 bits. The only difference is in the exe. Is there any way to ...
i am following a documentation of powerbuilder 19 and it looks like i have a missing file "tutor_pb.pbl" in the Documents\Appeon\PowerBuilder 19.0 folders. if anyone here installed powerbuilder, can you upload the file here and thank you. i tried go...
Hi all. Need a little help here, newer done this before. Any help or steering in the right direction will be greatly appreciated. Appeon Powerbuilder 2019R2 Build 2353. Need to push .xml file using presigned url into s3 bucket using existing api ...
Good morning, I have deployed a Webservice for data access using datawindows exported to C#. I have a question about how to dynamically generate the "documentation" from Snapdevelop with Swagger to deliver to our clients. I have seen how to do...
Hello everyone, we have been using PowerBuilder together with SQL Anyhwere for over 20 years. For some years now in version 17. Unfortunately, we cannot find any information about the further development of SQL Anywhere by SAP and when a possible v...
We're working on migrating up from 2019R2, and noticed that our windows with horizontal tabs in them can't be switched between (the tabs appear, but none get highlighted and appear as active, and we can't switch to other tabs). Going through the vers...
Hi Team, We are running some child applications from a main application (both child and main application are PB applications)  Recently we had upgraded our PB version from PB2017 to PB2022, after this PB upgrade the alerts that Crowd Strike is show...
Hello everyone, I have created a simple .net dll in SnapDevelop and used 'Tools - > .Net dll importer to import it into a non visual object in PowerBuilder. The c# code is below.   The code to call this in PowerBuilder is: nvo_useraccesstokenut...
Problem with PB19 (and I expect with PB22) inserting DateTime data into SQL Server (V2019) using either SQL Native Client or MSOLEDB. If the Login's Default Language is "British English - British" then we get an error: MS OLE DB Driver for SQl Serve...
Hello, We are upgrading our applications from PowerBuilder 2017 R3 to PowerBuilder 2022 R3. Currently the application executables built in PB 2017 R3 are placed in a Windows Server 2016 server and users access them via Citrix.  I know the PowerBuil...
Hi.   When I call my C# DLL (using  Apache.NMS and Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ  receive funktion    IMessageConsumer consumer = (MessageConsumer)consumerDictionary[consumerName];_message = consumer.Receive();   This will wait/listen un...
Hi All, I followed the instructions here in the documentation: https://docs.appeon.com/ps2022r3/Modifying_WebAPIURL_for_Nginx_Windows.html I changed my  apprun.json to point to my reverse proxy server and then rebuild solution and run the project i...
Hi Sir or Madam,     In reference to this https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/vulnerability/CVE-2024-0056, and Appeon wrote email to inform about this too. After digest, I am not sure, if this apply to our production system or not. See attachme...
Hi Sir or Madam,   I found this link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/biztalk/technical-guides/optimizing-iis-performance and in fact our production system now has slow/lagging issue. Hence, i would like to seek opinion if the above configuration, ...
Hi, I see 'user.ini' exists in application folder but can't spot while in PB 2022 IDE, is there any way using IDE, I can edit and git/commit. My goal is edit 'user.ini' file using IDE, and then hoping file change will show up in git/commit context ...
  PS 2022R2 2828 Recent testing of Powerserver applications where the client workstation was over 2500 miles away from the data center showed excellent response times for typical screen processing and data entry.  This included search as you type r...
Hello, all. Is there any way to refresh the PB Workspace objects in SnapDevelop without restarting? I tried right-clicking on the target and selecting Refresh from popup menu. I tried the same at the PBL level. New objects never appear. I'm forced t...
Dear all, The project that I'm work on, is on PB 2022 R2 build 2819 and this is the build that we are going to deploy the product to production, I was surprised that this version vanished from the bootstrapper (attached).   How can developer downl...

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