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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
I have PB 2022 R3.  I have a grid datawindow.  When you click on the last row in the datawindow, the grid lines disappear.  You can click up one row and they reappear.  Click down and they disappear.  Any suggestions as to what is causing this or how...
Hello, I cannot assign a PowerBuilder license to a user because he cannot register his email.  Error message says reputation is poor and fail to pass IPQS validation. His email is can you please help me setup his email? Thank...
Hi guys.   Does anyone know why when an application is pinned to the Windows taskbar it does not update; once an update has been released from development?   I have this issue....
I've noticed that a huge power builder application shows very poor perfomance on multi-core processors, while it may work several times faster on one-core processor with the same input. While analysing this issue I discovered that an application tend...
Hi, I my working with PB 22 app , I have webbrowser control , and i do  navigate to a URL. ad the address url , just The main URL is show at chrom not like i.e. the URL shown in the address bar , does not change no matter how deep the user is and ...
On a Windows 2019 server LoadWithDotNet returns -1. On several Windows 11 desktops it works just fine. We had to install  .NET on the server because it was not installed. Should we install other dll's to get this up and running? It is a Powerbuilder...
Hello there to all PB Guru's So, in my application, I have an NVO (say nvuo_dw) of type DataStore with the below variables: 2 strings and 1 string array In my window code, I create an array of type nvuo_dw and dynamically populate it, depending on...
I'm running PowerBuilder 2022 R2 2819 on a desktop.  Is it possible to use Powershell to call PBAutoBuild220.exe on a remote desktop to perform a build?  How?  Examples are very helpful....
Hi, I try make batch build.  My SCC is VSS and I work with PB 11.9. Try to make daily build with PB22R3. Step 1 copy all pbl into build machine  Step 2 generate one pbd from dlls using pbx2pbd220.exe Step 3 Migrate from ide and apps work fine ...
Hi all PB 2022 R3 windows 10  Can anyone tell me how i can open a PDF file within a window in my application or the best way to view a pdf withing the application, i may be being a bit stupid but i am struggling  thanks in advance as always   An...
Can PowerBuilder call below PostgreSQL procedure to return result set (refcursor type) in datawindow ?   CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.get_employee_cursor(emp_id integer, INOUT swv_refcur refcursor DEFAULT NULL::refcursor) LANGUAGE plpgsq...
Hello, We go from MicrosoftWebBrowser (PB17) to WebBrowser (PB22).What will this code look like with new objects? 1. ls_value = ole_1.Object.Document.getElementByID('mmm').value 2. ole_ilink = ole_1.Object.Document.ActiveElement 3. ole_1.Object.D...
How do i upload document in a form data, on Postman this is okay but how do i achieve this on Powerbulder? ...
Hi   I have a PB 2019 installed in Windows 10 machine.   I was following a training tutorial and one of the tasks was moving system tree and bars, etc which ended up completely changing the initial default PB workspace screen with all the toolbar...
Hello Two questions about Windows services:First: how to determine whether a service has been set up/installed.Second: how do you determine the status of a Windows service. e.g.  running, paused, stopped. Thanks...
Hi Team,   We just used PB2022 R3 to deploy one of our products on PowerServer. We are seeing odd problems with datatype conversion on one of the application's screens. I am only receiving the error in the Powerserver deployed app, even though it d...
Hi guys. Can you explain me; whats the difference between P-Code and M-Code compile?.   What's the pros and cons; of each one?   Thanks and regards....
Greetings - I've been using Infomaker off and on for 20ish years, but I primarily write SQL code directly in SSMS because I find it easier. I'm not here to argue that point, I just offer it as a background understanding for this question. I have a ...
hi all, I face this "Error calling method of a PBNI object" when deploy PB2022R2 version application to client computer. I have follow possible method as this QnA link  but still failed. I'm also ensure those files highlighted in this link include...
if(approved_day_13='N' ,255,16777215)   I have the above expression in a column of a datawindow that looks at the value in the approved_day_13 column and then sets the background color to red or white.  It works fine when i retrieve the datawindow....

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