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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi, We are going to migrate from PowerBuilder 12.5 to PowerBuilder 2022.The (urgent) question I have (and sorry if it's already discussed but couldn't find it), is if PowerBuilder 2022 can expose API's?Calling it, yes... but exposing? If not possib...


Good morning!Is it possible to create a datawindow at runtime and pass it as a parameter to another function or event? Thanks!...
Hi,   I am facing an issue with the DwCompute() attribute which always returns a NULL value. Please help me out to get the computed value from that property instead of NULL value.    For now I am doing this task manually for every property in the...
Hello I'm in pb2022 R3 , I'm using a theme in which I put an exception for a given window . I followed the documentation but it does not work.Does anyone have an example that works?Here's what I put in the theme.json file. For all windows "window...
Hello I got a ps-script that can get a token. When trying similar in PB 2022 it returns -5 "Failed to get token". Code pasted in below. Any suggestions are appreciated. BR Jesper  ...
I want to change background's column in a datawindow, i'm using Modify command with an if, but it not change   This is the command: v_res = dw_dat2.Modify( "#" + trim( string( i ) ) + ".background.color='255 ~t if( integer(syn) = 1 , 255 , if( inte...
Hi Guys and Girls, I've made a (pretty chaotic, but maybe useful) presentation on how to get Crystal Reports working with powerbuilder: 1. Download the zip file and uncompress it:
Did something change with TestFlight and AWS for iOs with PowerServer 2020? When I installed TestFlight and them I go to the link to start testing AWS for iOs now I get a message "AppeonMobile Beta Has Expired". and the OK option. Any work around t...
Hi, Currently our application is using PB 2019 R3. Based on appeon suggestions, we tried upgrading powerbuilder to PB 2022 R3 (Build 3289). We are opening the 3rd party URL in the web browser control. While accessing this 3rd party URL from PB 2019 ...
We are migrating PowerBuilder code (PB2019R2) from TFS/Git to GitHub, is there any scan code tool such as sonarqube or codeql for PowerBuilder? Also, we will migrate soon to PB2022R3....
Hi all We have installed powerbuilder/powerserver on a virtual windows server and everything works fine so far. The app can also be deployed and accessed there. However, when I call up the http link from outside (in the related network zone), I get ...
Good morning,In a TSE (Terminal Server Edition) environment I have an application developed in PowerBuilder 19R3 that must launch another application. To do this I use the ShellExecuteEx function with the struc_shellexecuteinfo structure. I thus rec...
Hello, Using PB 2022 R3 build 3356 We created one exe with one particular ICON [ set at Application - Additional Properties - Icon ] and copied the exe, pbds, PB runtimes into clients 'computers.  When we created a shortcut for the application, the...
Hello, We go from MicrosoftWebBrowser (PB17) to WebBrowser (PB22).What will this code look like with new objects? 1. ls_value = ole_1.Object.Document.getElementByID('mmm').value 2. ole_ilink = ole_1.Object.Document.ActiveElement 3. ole_1.Object.D...
Hi Team,   We just used PB2022 R3 to deploy one of our products on PowerServer. We are seeing odd problems with datatype conversion on one of the application's screens. I am only receiving the error in the Powerserver deployed app, even though it d...
Hello, Is there any plan for Appeon to support anyone NOSQL database in future release of Powerbuilder?   Somewhere in this forum I remember reading that there is such a plan.   Happiness AlwaysBKR Sivaprakash  ...
Hello, I want to attach an existing XML-file to an existing PDF. At the moment I do the following and it works: ////////////////////////////////////////// PDFdocument lpdf_doc PDFattachment lpdf_attach lpdf_doc = CREATE PDFdocument lpdf_attach = ...
Hi guys.   Does anyone know why when an application is pinned to the Windows taskbar it does not update; once an update has been released from development?   I have this issue....
Vertical Texts are getting shifted from place. in psr files. Can anyone how to solve this problem....
I have a frame/sheets application. On one window (shown below), when I scroll down, I don't want anything past the light blue uo to move above the sheet title bar (white line). I want it to behave /look like the second window shown  - i.e.    ...

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