Featured Questions

Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hello Team, I am using PowerBuilder 2019 in my application. The application has an option to save the files as .csv(Comma Separated Value File Type). Our Client wants to change the delimiter from 'comma' to some other special character. Tried to cha...
As the Windows O/S and the exploits of virus/ransomware and anti-virus software has evolved, so too has the generally-accepted location(s) where an application can safely write a temporary file (such as a PDF to be included as an email attachment) to...
Hello there. I have an idea, but i dont know how to solve... 1 - There´s one server computer, and 10 client computers (random number) connecting to the server computer 2 - One app that have getcurrentdirectory and getcontextservice methods 3 - L...
Hi Justa quick question, what is the best way to stop Themeing being applied to a specific window and it objects? We do not want to Theme the sign in window of the application (a graphic designer has spent hours designing it). I added a specific wi...
HI, we are looking at the new enhancements of the RTE control in PB2022R2 and the support of tables in particular. The question is how to insert rows to an existing table ? The fonction TableInsertrows() seems to only work when the focus is in a c...
Hi, I have a problem with the performance of Word Application OLE Object  Application.FontNames collection after migration to PB 2022 R2. Follow is sample code: OleObject iole_WORD int li_retcode, li_count, k = 1 string ls_font   iole_WORD = ...
I am currently using GetFileSaveName in combination with SaveAs so that I can filter the available SaveAsTypes. There doesn't seem to be any way to send something from the GetFileSaveName that will allow you to know whether  the user wants headers ...
Hello, I have two executables that are part of the same project, here I share the images of the structure of my project, I have the main project which is gefis__application, and I have a second dependent project, whose executable name is: "Claims". I...
Hi All, Is anyone else having an issue with the MessageBox being smaller in 2022 R2 then 2021. In our application it is small both horizontally and vertically.  Vertically it is cutting of the bottom of the buttons. Horizontally it is right up ag...
Hello, I'm deploying a PowerServer 2022 R2 project from a dedicated build server, running PBAutoBuild220. PowerServer toolkit is unable to find the required Oracle NET data provider, which is usually downloaded automatically in PB/Snap when selecti...
Currently, I am attempting to integrate the SMTPClient object into my application using PB 2022 R2. Our SMTP server does not require a username / password if you are inside the firewall. I cannot seem to get the  object to send an email successfull...
Hello all,  I have an app buidlt in PB2022 that runs perfectly in one machine and in the other one does not get authorized my user, I am using an ODBC connection to get into the db, the connection is configured the same in both environments and in o...
I'm using CreateProcess to run an EXE and WaitForSingleObject to wait for it to finish. My problem is that I need the EXE process to have the same security access as the calling EXE. I'm guessing the lpProcessAttributes argument needs to be populate...
Hi, we have in our PB application, when running in C/S mode, the possibility to cancel a query returning large number of rows by issuing DBCancel(). In C/S mode it works fine. But in PS mode, it doesn't appear to do anything. Is there a way to can...
Hello everyone I saved the data window as an excel file. The name of the excel file is displayed normally, but the sheet name is garble code.this is my codedw_1.saveas("D:\test\作成.xls",excel8!,true) If I use ascii characters as the file name, the s...
Preparing to migrate our app to PB 2022, rewriting code using the discontinued SOAPConnection to use HTTPClient object.  Existing code uses conn.useintegratedwindowsauthentication(true) to connect with integrated windows authentication. How can this...
Hi,I'm using PB2022, build 1900 with Oracle 19 database. My question has to do with overloading and calling functions in a Oracle package. In native PB (Desktop) all works fine but with PowerServer there are issues.Here is my test case. The package ...
HI, I am Getting correct response from Post man. But from my PB Script not getting anything.. Below my script link_ = ''+apiuser HttpClient shahttpclientshahttpclient = Create ...
I have a datawindow with three columns that contain variable amounts of text. I want to position them vertically one above another. I also want the control to grow as needed based on the amount of text it has, so I'm using Autosize Height = true.  U...
Hi    I have struggled with this for a while with no success. It seems so simple and straightfoward. i have this xml file <?xml version="1.0"?><Shipment> <Response> <StatusCode>0</StatusCode> <Error> <ErrorSe...

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