we are looking at the new enhancements of the RTE control in PB2022R2 and the support of tables in particular.
The question is how to insert rows to an existing table ?
The fonction TableInsertrows() seems to only work when the focus is in a cell table or we would like to do it by code.
TableInsertrows() doesn't have "TableID" as argument like others functions TableDelerow() , TableDeleteColumn()
Tablecellselect() before TableInsertrows() doesn't seem to put the focus in the table.
The final goal is to create a letter to a customer with name, adress, dynamic formatted text (bold, ...), images and an array of invoice and another dynamic formatted text below.
We would like to get rid of MS Word Mail merge.
So the idea was to create a RTE Template with Fields but also a formatted table with 2 rows and to insert dynamically new rows depending of number of invoices.
Or maybe do you suggest another approach ?
- The RTE datawindow seems to support only 1 record per page (is it possible to handle the 1-N for the array ?) ?
- Standard tabular DW with RTE Field (seems that images dont display) and nestedreport for the array ?
Any suggestion of how you handle 1 to N letter in PB (with user formatting freedom) is welcome
It's working. I was missing the TableCellStart() function.
Thanks for the sample code.
Best regards