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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hello, Team We work with VSS on PB2017 and sometimes we have issues with PBGs not containing some PBL objects. Once the objects are not in the PBG, then it is no longer synchronized via ORCA script (but somehow still synched with PB IDE).   Can so...
Hello. Is there any (easy) way to export the presentation layer of a datawindow preferably as excel. I have searched around and haven't managed to find anything that gives you an export of "what you see" on the datawindow. My next try is probably go...
Hi, will the new placeholders in SLE also be available in the datawindow? Regards, Ferdinanad...
One thing that one of our applications needs is a scanned signature of an officer of the organization using our program, for putting onto the tax receipts it generates. We have specific requirements for that - it has to be exactly 166 x 39 pixels, or...
Hey Appeon, I have yet another place where scale factor > 100% corrupts the PB IDE display. System Setup Windows 10.0.19013.1122 (Insider Preview, slow ring) Scale Factor 125% PB190.exe - compatibility settings >> Override High DPI =...
Hi  can I start working with PB2019 Beta 2 and switch to the GA version before the Beta 2 expires?.  ThanksArthur...
Hi There Should I give up on trying to create a new RTF datawindow or is there some special way I need to implement Rich Text Format? The IDE crashes on a regular basis opening and closing a new RTF window  which I created to try to do a mail merge...
Problem: Any value I pass to the Retrieve(argument) method returns the error below. I can't tell why. I've tried different data types in the database I need to pull records from. I've tried to use Guids, strings, number types, etc, but none of them ...
In a window we have a tab control with a number of tabpages. some of these tabpages contains a tab control who has more tabpages etc.  In one of these tabpages there is a datawindowcontrol named dw_3. Is there a way to find the dw and select the t...
I have an application build orinally in PB4 and then migrated through PB11.5 and now developed further in PB2017. The file version of the application deployed with PB2017 is and the product version is Is is possible to set th...
Hello, PB 2017 R3.  Sample project attached in a zip file. We do not have the facility of 'AUTO SELECTION' for Date Field with Edit Mask, as available for String fields.  So in Itemfocuschanged event we write code to make AUTO SELECTION. When a sh...
Does Powerbuilder 2017 support EMS resumption? EMS resumption as defined by:  https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7627   Thanks!...
We've just had a security review and one thing that has been highlighted as important is that the PDFs generated by Powerbuilder PDFLib contain metadata.. which in of itself is okay, but one of the elements is the name of the windows user who created...
Hi,  is it possible to test the beta? Regards, Ferdinand...
We have a common PBL (common.pbl) that is used by three different applications. Each application declares some global variables of types of user objects in the common PBL.  Objects in the common PBL need access to some of those same global variables...
I'm wondering if there is a way to tell when the user has scrolled down to the bottom of the resultset.  ...
I using PowerBuilder 12, and now I have fingerprint are Model : U.are.U4500 brand : digitalpersonal.   I don't have the SDK or exsample for Powerbuilder 12 .  How to Connect this fingerprint.I want Sourcecode or exsample. Best Regards olenetit@ho...
Hi, I am uploading an image to my server from a mobile, I would like to display a loading gif while it uploads the file, then hide the gif when it is done..  For some reason a gif worked on desktop/internet, but it did not animate when on my mobile ...
Hi all, the .NET Datastore only has a couple of events, namely RetrieveStart, RetrieveEnd, UpdateStart, UpdateEnd, RowDeleting, RowDeleted. There does not seem to be an event "SqlPreview". In PowerBuilder one can see the issued SQL of every single ...
In my PowerBuilder Client, I want to use the JsonPackage object to send the result sets of two datastores to our Web API that was created with SnapDevelop.  Here is my PB code: //set values of JSONPackage with API datastores ljpk_submit.setvalue( "...

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