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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
  I try to use the new C# Class Importer, which allows PowerBuilder to use .NET assemblies directly without having to first create a COM Callable Wrapper for them.   i have this error:   some ideas ?   Thanks  ...
PowerBuilder v12.1, b7055 I'm attempting to implement multi-threading.I created the object INV_AUTORPT and got everything working in a single-threaded mode.In the Instance variables of the frame:u_nv_autorpt                inv_autorpt               ...
Hi, I'm here because one of my customers ask me the effort needed to migrate a PowerBuilder app to C#. I've tried to do it with the trial version, however after spend 2 day's and followed "using powerscript migrator" (https://docs.appeon.com/appeon_...
Hi I need help figuring out the correct expression (if at all possible) for the following case.   I have a datawindow Each row have: column1 which will have A B C or D as value column2 a decimal value   In the header I want a compute to displ...
  How can I store and retrieve images in datawindow using MSSQL     thanks...
When compiling for a Windows 10 machine, is there any benefit to being DLLs as apposed to PBDs?   Compile time is so much longer for dll, which is fine, just want to know the benefit....
Bug in 4k environment search and search-replace in dwo SQL editor view stops working after a while. This typically only happens after opening multiple other editors. Very annoiing since only sollution is closing all programs and restart PB. Fix on t...
Hi everyone, In our servers, we have installed Appeon PowerServer 2017 Build 1858.00 64-bit Edition Workgroup perpetual edition. Now we want to upgrade our PowerBuilder 2017 R3 1880 to 2017 MR#1915. Which perpetual version must be the right selectio...
I'm trying to create a group inside an excel sheet from PB script, I have found the instruction to do so at this address:    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.range.subtotal The VBA instruction look like this:   Worksheets("Shee...
When we want debug our ActiveX components written in C# (Visual Studio) and PowerBuilder the application starts and stops. We have enabled 'Enable native code debugging' and 'Use Managed Compatibility Mode'. When we use PowerBuilder 12 is starts Po...
Hi, I have this datawindow with 4 "fixed data rows". Does anyone know if there's a way to manipulate these fixed rows with Modiy() or Describe()? I want to allow a user to create a sort of a template and drag field-names on columns in a datawin...
Hello, we are migrating a powerbuilder 2019 project from Oracle to Postgres 12. The async database parameter is set to 1 and the retrieverow event is coded, so i can cancel a retrieve.When i am connected to Oracle (native driver), everything works ...
Hello, I have a problem with different encoding behavior of special characters (e.g. äöüÄÖÜß) and empty lines when using different versions of RichTextEdit. The goal is to convert the content of a RichTextEdit to HTML such that it can be send as a ...
Hello All, We constantly have issues converting RTF to HTML when sending out smtp emails via our PB app. You cannot send RTF thru SMTP. The RTF control is nice but what we are really looking for is a nice HTML editor . I'm not aware of it being buil...
"The installed version of the application could not be determined. The setup will now terminate".    Why am I getting this error when running the Installshield install for PB 2017 R3, rel 1858?  I am currently on PB 2017 R2.   Where is it looking ...
Testing a connection to Oracle 19C. Our login window is successful connecting to the database. When we run our next select statement that just counts records in a table we get an error saying we are not connected. Not sure why the connection is be...
Hi, I am after some advice / best practice. If i want to take down a powerserver web application for some maintenance is there a way of preventing new logons, what i want is to allow the users currently logged on to finish their transaction / leave...
Hi, Does anybody have any solution regarding printing problem in pb2019 ver.2170 ? Seems like there is only one blank (white) paper coming from printing. Last versjon we get this working is pb 2017 ver.1880 Hope that somebody has one solution, bu...
Hello, My mobile application running on Appeon powerserver takes time while opening. I need help on how to make it open more first. Thank you in advance....
All - we have installed the new PB19 version but now need the new pbdom19.pbd's as the pbdom17's are not working, can anyone point me to a download of these or should they be in the install package already? Thanks....

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