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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi, I have a webservice from which I save a datawindow as PDF. I'm using NativePDF. However, this creates an empty PDF document. When setting the PDF method to Distill (so,using ghostscript) it works well.Is there something special to be done ...
Hello, will there be localized runtime files for PowerBuilder 2017? Thanks for answer, Markus ...
Windows 10 PBv12.1, b7055 successfully installed I was finally able to install PB v12.1 onto my new Windows 10 VM. YAY!   Running the stand-alone SYSAM installer from the PBv12.0 GA CDs did install SYSAM v2.0 onto the VM. But the SYSAM task ...
Hi Greetings , I would like to know how to use GetRawInputDeviceList and GetRawInputDeviceInfo APIs in PowerBuilder. ...
I need help on how to consume a restful web service using Power Builder 2017.  I need to post a message to Coupa cloud-based spend management system to create a requisition using post. Thank you, Ron ...
I have two usb keyboards, I would like to capture from which one of them press a key in PowerBuilder...
Brand new Windows 10, 64 bit o/s VM I have the PB v12.0 CDs on disk I copy them to my C drive into C:\Personal\Downloads\PBv120 I want to install as an evaluation I've tried: 1) Running the "C:\Personal\Downloads\PBv120\Autorun.exe" as Administra...
Hello Testing the mobile powerserver on win 2012 R2 and iis and found a problem I need to deploy all PB mobile apps to a common subfolder, eg http://myserver.com/PBMobile/Myapp1, http://myserver.com/PBMobile/Myapp2 If i change the root path in...
Greetings, So I went through basic mobile app tutorial provided by Appeon, works fine. but not able to install mobile app on any device. Having problem with final step (after downloading Appeon Workspace on mobile device) the Icon says instal...
We have an application coded against PowerBuilder 12.0 and 12.1 that we are trying to migrate to PowerBuilder 2017. We have a large number of documents in the RTF format from the PowerBuilder 12.1 RTE control. It appears that the PowerBuilder 2017 RT...
Hi, I have just attempted to install Powerbuilder 2017 (PWRBLDR-2017-1666-UNV-EN) on a Windows 10 Pro machine. During the install I get prompted with the following: "Setup cannot find one or more components at \Support directory. Do you w...
Hi All, Hoping someone may have done this before. Appeon Mobile provides its own Text Control for use on Windows and UO's which developers can use.  This provides the developer with the ability to display different versions of the keyboard ...
We are using PB 2017, however, this issue has existed in previous versions as well. When a field in a datawindow has a ddlb edit style and is dropped down, when the MDI frame is moved the list of items in the ddlb does not move with the frame.  It...
Hi All, I'm working with the trial version of PowerBuilder 2017...currently using v 11.5.1. We currently use Ghostscript to SaveAS PDF.  Ghostscript also has functionality of being able to programically combine multiple PDFs into 1 PDF whic...
I'm assuming they are copied during PB installation somewhere. I have searched appeon folders but can't find those PBLs. i.e. of_getfiledata,  of_openalbums  , of_takefile ...
PowerBuilder v12.1, b7055 Windows 7 Oracle 12C, connecting with the Oracle 10 DLL. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE:     After closing PB, and after several reboots, this error just went away. Like magic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...
Is there a solution to retrieve blob dynamically. The table and column name is known only at runtime.  It appears that datawindow has blobtable column that actually retrieves blob data, but there is no method to assign it to Blob variable. The ...
Have just had a proper look through the Elevate Session Catalog... WOW, WOW, WOW! Some really interesting and mouth watering stuff there.  If only I could clone myself to attend all of them!! Will Appeon be planning on recording each session to...
I'm planning to migrate to PB2017 and continue to produce a 32 bit client application. Will that application be able to make use of 64 bit ASE open client drivers or should i be looking at having 32 bit versions of open client installed.   ...
Hi all If i want to change a property for more than one field in a dw i marked all the fields i wanted and right click to open the properties window to change , but the IDE froze and there is nothing to do beside force closing by task manager. ...

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