Featured Questions

A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi, I have migrated an application from PB12.5 to PB2017. I built the 64 bit exe and during testing it is crashing with no identified pattern. We are using same development machine to test the 64 bit exe so the need of PBVM was out of question. Bu...
Hi to everyone. I have a question about the bug submission system appeon provided us. Is there any way to mark an active bug that it is affect us? I believe that a bug should be delcared only once, but anyone who is affected by that one, should al...
Hello, I have a small PB .NET application which is failing randomly with the following error logged in the Event Viewer of the Server. Can anyone help me analyze what could have caused this?  I have logs writing from the application at the very...
We have a webservice (Developed in C#) for Authorize.net. From the Powerbuilder we are generating Web Service Proxy Objects. Everything seems to have worked till now since Authorize.net was using TLS 1.0. After the authorize.net Upgraded to TLS 1.2 ,...
Greetings All, Previously posted this about a month ago. We recently upgraded to PB2017 from PB12.6.  We are having issues with pbnismtp. I created a new library and imported the pbnismtp126.pbx file and compiled a pbd.  I added the new pbd an...
As I understand it, none of the traditional PB methods of catching and handling OLEObject errors are available in Appeon Web, like try/catch blocks, the ExternalException event, and the SystemError event. I understand that Appeon Web does its own ...
  I do not remember the answer. can i use a powerbuilder mobile application without having to connect to the Powerserver mobile 2017 ? I have to create a standalone application ( for example a calculator ).   Ty for answer.   Gimmy ...
What static code analysis tools will PowerBuilder work with?  My company currently uses SonarQube. ...
FYI -    I have created an article that explains how to create license files for versions of PowerBuilder that pre-date Appeobn's PB2017.    There are three sections in the article:       1.  How to create license files for pre-2017 Powe...
For datawindow checkbox column I want to create a checkbox in the header area to check (select) all or none. It appears that the only way to implement that is to alter SQL and define extra column. Is there better alternative to it? If not, can it be ...
Hello, I created a few editstyles as extended attributes in the database painter. A lot of DWs in my app use these editstyles. I need to update one of the editstyles. How do I get all of the DWs to update automatically? Thanks. ...
Hi PowerSphere, Can I use PowerServer to host Common Web Services (applications) written in PowerBuilder ? Even Web Services has been around for a decade or so - it seems unuseable (i.e. lacking basic  functionality)  Especially when using P...
Hi PowerSphere , How can I add Cookie information ( like session id etc ) when using the Datawindow Web Service object ? TIA Georgios   ...
Hi, I use sharedregister and sharedobjectget methods in my application to make it mutithreaded. It works great in pb version 11 and 12 but no longer works in 2017. I extensively use this feature. SharedobjectGet method has been set to obsolete in ...
It would be very helpful if Datawindow computed fields supported the UseEllipsis property - in particular, to warn that a too-large computed value is truncated.  I notice this was asked for back in the old Sybase news group.  Does anyone have a wo...
Hi PowerSphere, I need to access RAW DATA ( cookies ) in my pb nvo web service (running on IIS). Any ideas on how to do this ? Regards Georgios Ps- Chris, I tried to mail you but i keep getting the mail rejected ...
​I want to open the window with opensheet(). And I used the pfc_n_cst_resize.of_SetOrigSize() in base. The window not fill screen when I running the project. How should I improve or pay attention? * Original! change to La...
Hello,   I have problem with national characters accessed by right alt + z in RichTextEdit control (RTE). In PB version 17 this combination always triggers Undo event fo RTE (the same as Ctrl+z). I'm not able to catch Key event for this com...
There is some internal functions that would be a great deal of help if they were added, and some others that would be nice to have docs for. Existing - The rt_dbg_* functions in pbvm*.dll are a powerful debugging tool when /pbdebug is too slow to ...
Hi, Is it still possible to create a COM/OLE object from a nonvisual object in PowertBuilder?  We have an nvo that we used to deploy as an OLE object which other apps could connect to but I cant seem to find where to do this in PB 12.6.  Has this ...

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