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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
In the older PB 2019 version  I had made a web assembly dll   that I deployed into a app  where I could expose the powerbuilder app functions I wanted to .   How do I do this in PB 2022 R3 ?...
H Guys, Can you please provide support on below query.   Does Appeon 2022 support TLS1.3? When I configure ONLY TLS3 on client machine and on DB server both TLS and TLS3 is configured. Native Client 12 is installed on Client Machine.  on Making ...
I have migrated my PowerBuilder application from version 2017 Re to 2022. After verifying it on my system, it is working fine.  However when I pushed the PBD and application files to QA, When they try to open the application, they are getting the fo...
I am trying to use the PowerBuiilder native SMTP support, but one of the libraries that's mentioned in the documentation as being required is not on my workstation where I installed PowerBuilder. I was trying to follow the documentation, but the lin...
I am doing an HTTPClient POST request, and my request fails. The response is below. The same POST payload runs OK in SoapUI. What is the cause/definition of the 6003 error using HTTPClient? =========================================================...
We need to figure out how to have PowerServer save files to an Azure Storage file.  We currently store the files in the database, but this can cause an Azure Database to grow too much for larger clients.  We had a solution for this for Desktop / Serv...
Buenos días.He realizado la migración de mi aplicación a PowerBuilder 2022 R3 para hacer uso de las bondades que otorga el TabbedView. Anteriormente en mi aplicación, la imagen de fondo que utilizaba, la asignaba abriendo una ventana tipo child y hac...
When upgrading the build version of PowerBuilder 2022 R3 from 3289 to 3391, do I need to redistribute all dll files when distributing the executable file?...
I didn't know whether to classify it as advice or just a question. In a dockerized schema, I don't have access to the database from the Powerbuilder IDE. Then I can add the connection data (which I will have once the reverse proxy is mounted in Ngin...
Printing on Azure VM is very slow compared to lcitrix or local.  We are on 2022 R3 build 3289.  A report that is really slow for us is a Composit DW.   Thanks...
Dear Appeon Team we are using PB2022 R3 Please Please Take care of these mentioned points 1.Can u please add a option to highlight the backcolor of focused column in light green or light blue and keep it back the existing colur or customized color w...
Hi, One of our Customer have raised the issue of Slowness on their application.  The application when run from a VM - works normally there is no performance issue. Same application when run from a laptop - A general slowness is experienced across ...
Hi Appeon Team,Good Morning!We are on PowerBuilder 2022 R3 Build 3356. I am using powerwhizz user object to modify the default system printer settings. I was able to get the information about the system printer settings but when I try to modify the p...
Hi Everyone, I am using PB2022 R2 3391 build. I am attaching code file and xml sting which i got in debug mode. PDOM 220.pbd  is already imported.   lpbdom_Doc = lpbdom_Builder.BuildFromString(ls_xml_request) When above line is getting execute...
Hi I'm importing srDs created with PB12.5 .NET into 2022 R3 Once I add an export header to the raw SRD I can Import some DWs into 2022 R3.  However, some of the srDs fail to import. This is most likely due to unsupported DW syntax. ??Question: How...
I am running into an odd problem with PBDom when parsing XML using PB2017 Classic on Windows10.  I am getting an error calling BuildFromString to parse my XML.   The error is 'Error calling method of a PBNI object'.   I am only receiving this error...
Hey everyone,   is here a way to invoke Windows Forms or WPS ui as part of a PB 2022R3 application ?My need is to use an Excel Control to be able to view Excel files without having Excel installed.   Thanks //Steen...
Since migrating from PowerBuilder 2019 R2 to 2022 R3, we've had an influx of user complaints where they get "JPEG Processing Error: Insufficient Memory (case 4)" popups and windows error logs stating that faults occurred in VCRUNTIME140.dll and ucrtb...
Hi Team,   Please Confirm that PB2019 R3 Version will support Windows server 2022 Operating system?.   Thank you  Shenbagam Balakumar.  ...
hi   We are running in app on the powerserver I want to open a PDF file from our network on our tablet. Is that possible. It does not have to be running in the app, just open the PDF with acrobat for instanceI tryed: ls_filename="\\172.16.10.x:80...

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