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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
I'm currently running PowerBuilder 2019 R2 Build 2328. Previously I had no issues creating new DataWindows, but now when I try to create, nothing happens. I can open existing datawindows, make copies of datawindows, create new objects that are not da...
PB 2019 Build 2170. We have a process where our C# based web application can run DataWindow reports and display them as PDF in the browser. The PDF files are generated using NativePDF. The end users are allowed to modify reports in InfoMaker and cop...
Hello, PB 2019 R3 Build 2703 Need to open two instance of Ribbon bar builder so that I can copy &, paste required syntax from one to another.  Is that possible?  If Yes, how? Happiness AlwaysBKR Sivaprakash...
Does anyone know what the available values for securityoptions are and also what exactly does it do?   https://docs.appeon.com/ps2022/APIs_for_managing_cache_and_cache_group.html#Connection_AddOne    ...
yes, i know that the swagger documentation is supposed to work on my web api server, but rather than spending of hours figuring out how to access the documentation in swagger i am hoping someone has a link that i can simply click on.  I probably have...
I am using eclipse, not Visual Studio, to create a .dll file in C++. I have simplified the code down to this: My header file tagsigs.h #include <iostream>#include "windows.h" #ifndef TAGSIG_H_#define TAGSIG_H_ extern "C" {   int __deckspec(...
Hi All,    Our PowerBuilder Application (PB 2021 Build 1506 ) is not able to check if outlook.exe is open with the Apps for Enterprise (new version of Office that M365) installed on a user machine. Our code is checking if Outlook is open prior t...
For reference, we're currently on PB17 R3, PowerServer 2020*. I'm trying to have a static textbox that displays the most recent build/deploy date of our application in the TEST environment. I've searched around and what little resources I can find r...
Hi All,Is there is any way to call AWS services using powerbuilder 2021?  Please share some refrence link here. it's really help'sthanks in advance...
Hi, I would like to know if this is possible to do with PowerBuilder. From a client-server application, I have to save files to a file repository, with a specific windows user (with administrator permissions), which is not the user currently logge...
tried to submit bug report, click submit and the page just refreshes with everything i typed in gone.   the bug was a documentation bug: GetChildCount - - PowerScript Reference (appeon.com) example 2 has a bad variable declaration - it is declare...
I have a significant Analysis tool originally written in PowerBuilder and Migrated to C# using SnapDevelop.  It has a dozen DataStore Objects and does some serious Retrieve and Update operations during the course of it's run.  When I run it packaged ...
I am trying to launch and activate the license newly assigned to me.  The IDE is launched from Citrix desktop VDI. After entering my credentials, click Login, I get the message above my credentials stating "System is busy. Try again later". So I w...
Most controls in a DataWindow object - column, compute, text, etc. - have .Moveable and .Resizeable properties (misspelled in the DW painter BTW). When these are enabled, then the user, as expected, can move and resize the controls at runtime. Is the...
Is there a way to turn on line numbers inside the code editor or each individual script while writing Powerscript code ?...
Hello, all PB 2017 app crashes in production with PBVM error. We are failing to catch the line of code where it happens. It happens in the same screen on the same critical user operation, but it is not consistent. Sometimes it passes, on other it ...
PB 2019-R3. I have a desktop app calling web services. Initially I was using WinHTTP API function calls to communicate with the server. This method works great. I decided to switch to the built-in HttpClient object. I'm using PostDataStart/PostData...
Hi team, I am connnecting to MSSQL SNC SQL NATIVE CLIENT database profile and i am running the application within powerbuilder.  When i run the menu i am getting the following error "Error Severity (21)Bad runtime function reference at line11 in u...
Hello,   How to launch PowerServer application URL passing SAML for SSO?   Current working setup WebAPI is configured with AWS Cognito & third party IDP (SAML enabled). PowerServer application URL launch -> AWS Cognito -> Third Party I...
Our application package is installing some PowerBuilder standard installation to run but it not working in Windows 2019 Server. Could you please tell me whether this version of PowerBuilder standard installation (PB 2019 Build 2082) is compatible wit...

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