Featured Questions

A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Given what today's Appeon newsletter says, it appears that we will no longer be able to use the MS WebBrowser ActiveX control after sometime in June. (If anyone knows that that is not correct, please let us know!) We use it for significant mail-merge...
hello i am using powerbuilder 10.5 . can anyone help with encode hex to base64 . ...
Hi all, I'm developing on a old application that has migrated over the years and is now at RunTime   we develop with IDE PB2019R3. I have moved to plan with PB2021 with setting for Runtime set to the same as above, If I...
I quite like the results of themed tab objects but I have a few tabpages that are highlighted by setting a custom TabTextColor in the painter. This gets overwritten by the theme even when I remove the "text-font":{"color":"#..."} entry from the theme...
I everybody, I tried using themes in my application and facing a problem. I use response windows for that I make resizing possible with some calls of external funktions to windows DLLs (user32.dll). This is working well without themes. But when usi...
Having trouble with appsettings.json file, can someone send a sample...
Hello, So we migrated to PowerBuilder 2019 and the previous version called a .Net Dll 4.52 framework. I followed all the instructions to import to a NVO that calls the dll and set the assembly to a direct path that everyone has as well as the one th...
Can anyone help with this: I've got a PB application and on a window there is a classic header/detail layout with two datawindows.  You can update details in header and detail and when you save the data is updated using DW Update() function. This a...
Hi,     We have a code where we are passing the data window in ue_broadcast event to get call in different tab page associated within that window to share the dw b/w main dw and datastore.  This is working fine in PB 2019 R3 Build 2703 but after we ...
Enhancement Request   HorizontalScrollSplit result in a very unsightly vertical line separating the datawindow into two parts. Can this be improved upon?...
QUESTION TO ENGINEERING... When the CAL needs to be upgraded to the next runtime build of PowerBuilder, does it look to see where it's installed on the Client workstation by 1) using the Registry to determine the Users' AppData location, OR HOPEF...
I want take out the scrollbars which are on the picture. I'm using the Powerbuilder-Graph-Example to reproduce it on my app. ...
una vez instalado PowerBuilder 2021, al iniciarlo no se actualiza el RunTime: presenta el Runtime, no toma el Runtime, a que se debe por favor y que debo hacer para solucionarlo, ya que en el project no presenta el objecto Po...
I have a client who is moving forward with a conversion to PowerServer 2021 from PB 2017.  Client is up and running with a test version but has a few things to resolve before they can make a final decision.  The most important is they have many table...
My thoughts are with the staff of Desta and all the brave people of the Ukraine ...
Are there any alternatives available in PowerBuilder that assist us in creating XSLT for a Datawindow? I've been experimenting with the XML Template in the DataWindow Painter and it appears to be able to rename the elements, add attributes and some ...
We have a large mature application with hundreds of windows.   With this next release we are for the first time going to be applying themes but only partially.   We are using them for windows, menus, windows, tab objects, radiobuttons,checkboxes, scr...
Hi Team, We have a requirement, where user need to visit/click/Tab out each field in the datawindow. but fields are non-editable. Please suggest us any possible solution. Regards Gyaneshwar...
Hi, we are using the addToLibraryList() function to dynamically extend the library list of our application, to dynamically use other/new powerbuilder objects like datawindows etc. This seems to be not fully supported anymore when deploying a powerse...

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