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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi, after applying a theme to an application - is there a way to make the corners of the windows, buttons etc. rounded? It would look more like Windows 11. Those sharp corners are from Windows 10. I've looked in the Theme folders but none of these ...
Hi All, I hope you're well. First, I'd like to mention that I'm not a PowerBuilder developer, but I've been tasked with migrating an old application from SQLAnywhere to PostgreSQL. Without much guidance from the client, I've encountered several conc...
Hi all PB 2022 R3 windows 10  Can anyone tell me how i can open a PDF file within a window in my application or the best way to view a pdf withing the application, i may be being a bit stupid but i am struggling  thanks in advance as always   An...
Hello! Can someone tell me the meaning of this error message? And how to fix this? I get this everytime I want to add a local Project to Git ("Add to source control") Error:Failed to decompose PBL: C:\Client\client.pbl errorcode:301. Thanks!...
Hi, I have a PBNI/WPF external component and my target is x64 (no need to support x32) environment. Using PB2022R3, build 3356 and Visual studio to create the component.. Then I use pbx2pbd220 to get the PBD from the PBX. My question is,  compilin...
PBAutoBuild fails with JSON syntax error. Client/Server App Scenario 1: Build pbl's from GIT into Workspace Setup 1 is: SourceControl = GIT Encoding = UTF-16 LE BOM Start of JSON file: { "MetaInfo": { "IDEVersion": "220", "RuntimeVersion": "22...
Hello, In digging through my code we have a function that is identified as: FUNCTION int OCIChangePassword(ref string ls_connString, ref string ls_user, ref string ls_old, ref string ls_new, ref string ls_errString, Uint li_outputsize ) & LIBRA...
Trying to start PB 21 and it halts saying a valid runtime is not found.  The runtime is in the common folder. Any help would be appreciated.  ...
Hi Leaders/Members   I have made the option for "GeneralPBD" =  False in the json file of PB2022, But when I am executing pbautobuild220.exe /f test.json , It keeps creating PBD which we don't need, we need single EXE to have everything.    Backg...
hi all, Sorry I'm not good in VS C#, I just want to complete my job by importing C# Certificate class library into PB and hope anyone can help me. I get an solution from some where that can hashing Certificate. Would like to know how we can convert ...
Hi, In pb2022 r3 there's some newly added stuff to the richtext txt control v30. Like for example "TargetInsert()" Regretfully the help doesn't seem to explain anywhere what a "target" is. Can anyone explain? TIA...
Chinese characters couldn't be displayed when querying a DB2 table in PowerBuilder. Could someone help on this? Thanks.  It could be displayed when querying in DB2 command windows....
We are looking to have our PS app install in a specific directory, however, I do not see a setting on the application object in order to achieve this. Currently, it goes in a directory structure like this, C:\Users\USERID\AppData\Roaming\PBApps\Appli...
Hi Team, Thank you in advance for your help on this. We have migrated PowerBuilder Windows application from PB 2017 to PB 2022 R3. We made this migration to enable application to use tls 1.2. We are connecting windows application to Microsoft SQL Se...
We have a PowerBuilder 12.5 application that runs against Oracle 12 and Oracle 19c. DBA's have noticed excessive queries against SYS.ALL_SYNONYMS.  I understand that these queries have been a part of PowerBuilder for some time, and it seems they occ...
I have a local copy of PB and a local copy of the DB. Of course, I can connect just fine by specifying the local connection string in my ini file. To connect to the server and DB on our network, I have to go to a remote desktop connection - then I c...
Is there a way I can check if a DataWindow Column is referencing a column in another table?   For example, I have 2 tables - Cust Master, and Cust Master State and the Cust Id in the Cust Master State table has a foreign key referencing to the Cust...
Is ghostscript install still required when using PDFDocument object in PB2022?...
Hello, Using PB 2022 R2 Build 2819, PostGRESql 15 Need to retrieve string values into a datawindow, whose length varies from 50000 to 100000 characters.  Currently it retrieves only 10000 characters with the following settings. Using DSN-Less conn...
Hi,I am facing vertical text getting shifted from their place issue due to PBESCAPEMENTMODE in the psr files.Can anyone help on 1) How I can check what values are set for PBESCAPEMENTMODE for any PSRs files. 2) How to set value of PBESCAPEMENTMODE ...

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