Featured Questions

A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hello All, Our large application is currently in production both 32 & 64 bit distribution (12.6).  In *64* bit we discovered 2 serious RTE (DW & Control) flaws.  In a nutshell "no way to import OR print OR email legalese" We know that 2017 R2 w...
Hello,   i want a picture next to every row that my crosstab generate, is that posible?    thanks. ...
Any issues with BLOB or CLOB columns? Thanks, Brian Prom ...
Hi when I run PBDebug on a large PFC application I "get stack size changed during a routine call" all over the log (This we don't have when runnig it with PB 12.5). I created a small test application with a single NVO inherited from transac...
Hi, How Show difference... works with PB2017? I'm connected with TFS 2015 and Show difference don't display nothing. I don't find any settings about difference tool. Someone can help me? ty   ...
I am using Powerbuilder 2017 Universal version. Powerbuilder, Powerserver, the test web service and the mobile app (which calls the test web service) are all installed on the same system. When the mobile app specifies a url of http://localhost/...
Good Morning. In my work as a modeling tool we are using PowerDesigner 15 (but it is getting old). We are undecided whether to buy the upgrade to SAP for PowerDesigner 16 or switch to another tool. What modeling tool are you currently using? ...
I am using the universal version of Appeon Powerbuilder 2017. The Powerserver documentation ("FAQ & Workarounds - What files will go to the plugin folder...") states "For each Appeon application, a "plugin" folder will be created automatically und...
Hi Community,   this is my first time working on datawindow crosstab. I encountered that the datawindow will lost all the formatting after editing on the data source. Is there anyway, i can prevent the format getting reset after inserting ad...
What does it mean C#DW in powerbuilder roadmap? Will it be possible to use DW visual control in some .NET application e.g. like it was with Datawindow.NET? Thanks in adv. ...
Hello, I installed PB2017 trial edition on a Windows 10 Pro tablet. SQLAnywhere 12 and 17 are already installed on it. I try to setup a 32bits ODBC datasource to the AppeonSample.db database with no luck, neither with SA12 nor SA17. Error me...
Created test .net assembly with following values: library: assembly.pbl namespace: testassembly assembly file name: testassembly.dll setup file name: testassembly.msi custom class object: n_assembly custom class name: n_assembly method name:...
For example opening up dialogue to get albumn item or path. i.e li_filetype = 2 // Simultaneously displays the photo or video in the album ln_camera = create eon_mobile_cameraex li_return = ln_camera.of_openalbums (ls_filepath) st_path.Tex...
Hi there, some 8 weeks ago I filed bug report #288. As we rely on the solution, I'd like to monitor the progress. Bugzilla does not accept my Appeon account. Where can I go? Who can I ask? Thanks Martin ...
This is follow-up to earlier an question. With the default installation of PowerServer from PB 2017 Universal, I get an error creating native Oracle datasource with 32-bit client (from full Oracle client install, not instant client): "Testing D...
Hi, We are working on upgrade to Powerbuilder 2017. We tried to deploy 64-bit Powerbuilder application to Windows 10 System. We have some .Net Component communicate with PB using OLEobject call. All .Net component build as AnyCPU. But communicatio...
Hello, I am running PB 12.6. In the application, there is a window with a user object that is not visible.  During regular running of the application, the object is made visible and brought to the front.  This works in the IDE just fine, however, ...
Hi All,   We have been testing our application manually for a very long time which is in Powerbuilder but just wanted to know if you can perform Automated testing on our powerbuilder aplplication, please let me know the name of the tools and th...
Hello all I want to enable the user to take a file attached to an email and join it to a record in a data window ( the link to it ) or the whole message . Does any one did or have an idea how to have it done ? I saw once a vendor that adds a...
I have just installed the maintenance release build 1681, my main issue being the native PDF quality. The quality, I am happy to say, is now excellent, but.. At the moment, I create PDFs using the PDFCreator (version 1.7) API which works perfectly. T...

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