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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi all,  Using PB 17R3 for an Appeon Mobile project.  I'm trying to feel my way through using the URL Scheme going mainly off the documentation found in the PowerServer Toolkit User Guide - Packaging Applications - Customizing and Packaging Appeon ...
Hi, Does anyone know how to dynamically obtain the name of an object function? This.ClassName() will return the name of the object, but not the function I'm working on. I want to use the name of the function in error messages so I can easily locate...
Hi,  We are encountering the following error when we try to access a field in our power-builder application. "Error opening DLL library pbshell.dll for the external function in the constructor event of an object". When we looked in the power-builde...
Hello, I am doing a critical proof of concept that uses a reverse proxy from Apache to connect to our PowerServer Web application running in IIS.  I am seeing the following error regarding the Appeon plugin:   2nd/final page error The reverse p...
Hello everybody. I have PowerBuilder 8 and I'm migrating to 2017 R3. Someone could indicate me If there is an easy way to show the Display Column of the Code Table when I save a datawindow as Excel? Now in PowerBuilder 8 is it possible? I have 1 co...
We are using 2017 R3. For some time now we have been consuming .NET Soap web services from one of our business partners. They now require us to migrate to a new web service technology, called RPC/JSON. This is outside negotiation. I should like to ...
HI, If I run in debug mode a window with a datawindow in Powerbuilder 12.5 the display looks different than in Powerbuilder 2017? (See attachments) Regards, ML  ...
Hello PB Guru's I have one burning issue right now. Our PowerBuilder application is on version 12.6 and build # 4091 Some of our terminal users have reported that the application suddenly crashes and throws an 'InPageError'. This doesn't happen for...
Hello, I have an application in PB17 R3. I would like to have a table in cloud with the status of the users. So every time a user logs in, the application will check the status in the table in cloud. And accordingly the application will proceed or s...
Background: PB 12.1 build 6639 (lots of clients with legacy s/w) against MS SQL Server 2012 R2 Scenario:* 2 app users* same group, so same app access rights* same PC, using same autologin/generic Windows account* one user occasionally crashes on a n...
Hi Team,   My Pb application is hosted on CITRIX and I wanted to the name of the workstation user is logged in too. Is there any API in PB which could give me this info. I have used ComputerNameA or ComputerName function of Kernal32.dll. But it ...
Hello. For Appeon Mobile.  I think currently this does not support android 9.0 pie OS properly. Anyone who is knowing this issue well, please give me any advice. thanks.    ...
Was messing with the Powerbuilder Complier and using the params that were provided when i do a build.  We also use topWiz for source control, and when i ran the pbc170 with the parameters, i didn't realize topWiz would go and get latest of all of the...
Hi all,   We are upgrading the Powerbuilder from 10.5 to 2017 R3 version. During SIT, QA team has identified a defect in the look and feel of One of our PB application (MPS) screen dropdown tabs, there is a mismatch in the background color in the d...
We have an application coded using PowerBuilder 12.0 / 12.5 that we are migrating to PowerBuilder 2017.3 . We have RTE datawindows created using PowerBuilder 12.x RTE control.  After migrating the PB12.x RTE's to PB2017.3, the formatting and printin...
I extract xml from an Oracle Clob in a view using the following type syntax select col1, col2, dbms_lob.substr( t.col_clob, 4000, 1 )) col_3 from table1 t I display the columns from the view in a DataWindow. I want to display the col_3 results ...
Hello, We are using Web Browser in a OLE. My question is how will we know which version of IE is running in PowerBuilder OLE? Is there a way to register which version of IE we would like to use within our OLE object? Let say later version of IE or i...
I'm running the latest version of PowerBuilder 2017 R3 Build 1880 Cloud Edition. I'm running into an issue where you remove a function call dependency that another object relied on.  So of course, doing an incremental build reveals this problem.  Ca...
I have a datastore dataobject with SQL select that that has datalibrary that precedes the table name like       SELECT PRODDTA.F554700.NAME                   PRODDTA.F554700.ID Now the above points to production library 'PRODDTA'.  For testing pur...
Hi Gurus,   POWER BUILDER 2017R3 using older version rich text editor I need Help to resolve GPF Error when perform below action. On Rich Text - Input field Tab Page after modifying DATA Cliicking button[ OK or Apply ] throws GPF error and exits...

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