Featured Questions

A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi,   the Appeon Homepage says that PowerServer 2017 is released for Web and Mobile. Where can we download the latest version? (Not the PB Edition!)   TIA Heino ...
Hola a todos   Alguien me puede enviar la  documentacion  Elevate 2017 ...
My migrated project deployed successfully, its stored in "D:\MyApp\" . It runs properly within that folder. However, when I move the deployed files to "C:\Production" folder, it fails to execute and generates Windows event log application error. ...
 hola a todos  Quisiera saber si appeon soporta pbultimatesuite     ...
Hello community I have a problem with positioning a window containing a tab inside a mdidockhelp! My case: 1) I have a frame of type 'mdidockhelp!' with a menu that has the toolbars enabled with visible icons. 2) I have a window of ty...
Hi, the documentation says that iOS 11 is supported with the just released PowerServer 2017. What does this mean in context to the released 11.0.x versions and released 11.1.0 version. All of them are supported? Any known problems with io...
Hello, In PB2017 is it possible to create a dropdown list within menu toolbar ?  Thanks, Yuri ...
  Does anyone know why the soapconnection createinstance fails in  .exe when compiling is in 64 bits? the error is bad runtime function reference. I've got libeay32.dll in the same directory than the .exe. Thank you. ...
Good evening.   I have a question about UML diagrams to powerbuilder, ¿Do you know a software that can generate the diagram class from powerbuilder pbl or objects?.   Thanks for your help, Best reggards. Jimmy Pérez ...
Hi, I just installed the new main release build 1681 But I can not find any information on whats changed (Fixed or new stuff) Does anyone know ?   Thanks - Steen ...
Hi All, I am getting below error message while deploying my package. "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source Name not found and no default driver specified ". Please suggest. Also, I am using "JENKINS" server. Does PB2017 supports J...
I manage to Download most of the Documents with the exception of : Elevate 2017 (21) that seems to be corrupted. Also i will like to know if the samples will be available or only the presentations.   ...
Hello, I need some advice on decompiling a PB application. My client asked me to make some updates to a PB9 application and the PBLs that were provided to me are of a previous version of the application. Unfortunately, the application is not in so...
Hi all   My applications as my data windows are in Hebrew which is Right To Left . after installing the latest path for 2017 ( build 1681 ) the saveas function for pdf starts to converse the words in the pdf file . Doe's any one else ...
I am starting a migration of my application from PB version 7 to PB 2017.  I did the first step of regenerating my PBLs and checking the syntax with the Migration Assistant and making the necessary fixes.  Now I want to migrate the PBLs.  In a couple...
We have recently imported the PBDOM extension into one of our existing libraries. I feel like I am missing something very basic because our automated builds fail when trying to compile the library stating that the pbdom_document object is an illegal ...
Hi Trying to dump a datawindow out to a CSV file using PB 17.0.1681 using the saveasascii command with a comma delimiter and default quote. On trialing this I've found that it doesn't escape an embedded quote in the string ie a " is not...
Use the application package on Powerbuilder 2017 toolkit to deploy application to client server but when using the setup on the client server to install the application the message: The powerserver toolkit version is different from the Powerserver ve...
I make a call to a web service  any la_any[]  la_any = proxy_obj.wsm_execute  (l_logintype,ref ll_responsecode) I an forced to use a type ANY because in the response array (Not shown), the service programmer used two reserved fords for the fie...
Good morning. In my company we need to use a program for version controlling. What are you using? Keep in mind that in the next releases of PB you delete the libraries in favor of individual files for each object, what do you suggest me?   ...

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