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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi Trying to dump a datawindow out to a CSV file using PB 17.0.1681 using the saveasascii command with a comma delimiter and default quote. On trialing this I've found that it doesn't escape an embedded quote in the string ie a " is not...
Use the application package on Powerbuilder 2017 toolkit to deploy application to client server but when using the setup on the client server to install the application the message: The powerserver toolkit version is different from the Powerserver ve...
I make a call to a web service  any la_any[]  la_any = proxy_obj.wsm_execute  (l_logintype,ref ll_responsecode) I an forced to use a type ANY because in the response array (Not shown), the service programmer used two reserved fords for the fie...
Good morning. In my company we need to use a program for version controlling. What are you using? Keep in mind that in the next releases of PB you delete the libraries in favor of individual files for each object, what do you suggest me?   ...
Hi, We are using PBNI to connect to a local JVM and create Java instances (using the javavm and ejbconnection PB objects) for a module in our PB app.  We are currently using the 32 bit JVM (Java 1.8) and all is working fine. I believe that now ...
Hi, Background: About a year ago we were having tremendous problems with Fatal Disk Errors within our terminal server based application (PB 12.6) after upgrading to MS Server 2012 R2. After days of trouble-shooting we found the only solution was t...
How can the .NET runtime files be included in the Powerbuilder runtime Installer? ...
a new problem is that I issue my test project on my android mobile and Sumsung Galaxy tab A, it's can not running. I compile it and  package it as .APK file and copy to my mobile and setup it , but it can't run normal.it just flash and crash ...
can i hide and show  group level based on ( null / not null) in tree view data window and how ?   thanks ...
When I try to combine two blobs with a size of 100 mb each, PowerBuilder throws an error message. When I try to combine two blobs with a size of 50 mb each, everything works without problems. Is there a size limit when I join blobs together?  ...
When I try to open a text file larger than 600 MB with the function "FileReadEx" an error is thrown by the function. However, if I open a file of about 300 MB this works without problems. Is their any sizelimit of the "FileReadEx" function? My ca...
When saving a dw as pdf (NativePDF method) and datawindow has fields in Hebrew, All the fields and text titles in Hebrew created in pdf are reversed. Any suggestions ? TIA Yosi ...
How to archive BDD/ ATDD in Power Builder? ...
I have set the datasource​ and my PowerScript is this CONNECT USING SQLCA; Retrieve is working fine, but Update, Insert and Delete not   my Datawindow Sql Code   anyone have any idea what may be wrong? Very gratefu...
Hi All,   How to install SSL certificate install in appeon 6.5 on linux os.   Please help for the solution   ...
Could someone please post an example of how to connect from orcascript to Team Foundation Server. scc set property userid = "Domain\user" scc set connect property provider = "Microsoft Team Foundation" scc set connect property logfile = "path-to...
The problem was first discovered in a PB10 app but I verified it happens in PB 2017. I am on Windows 10. The main window of the app is MDIHelp. Clicking a button opens a response window. Clicking a button on the response window opens another respo...
Hello all   I have a ws which worked great for some time now . just recently i got an error when i run the application from the IDE (pb 2017) :" Bad run time refence at line..... ." the line code is : my_con.CreateInstance( the instance name...
We have a fairly new machine that came as Windows 10 Pro on which we have some of our 64 bit PB 12.6 apps. After a Windows 10 update today, the app now starts up briefly, flashes the login, then disappears. Anyone experienced this and suggestio...
Hi all.   We need to download files (PDFs basically) from an HTTPS server in a recently migrated Windows PB 2017 application. Any clues on how to do this? We have been taking a look at the INET object but seems more suited for classic HTML inte...

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