1. Yiannis Papadomichelakis
  2. Beta Testing
  3. Friday, 21 February 2020 17:20 PM UTC

Hello Powerbuilders....!

The WebBrowser control sometimes works... and sometimes doesn't!

On the following screenshot, on the left I places a WebBrowser control and on the right the MS Internet browser.


This is the code on Window's open event is quite simple:

String sURL

sURL = 'https://www.appeon.com/'
ole_1.object.Navigate(sURL, 0, "", "", "");

int r
r = wb_1.navigate(sURL);
if r <> 1 then
post messageBox('', r);
end if;


As you can see on the screenshot, the WebBrowser produces an error, while the MS control shows the webpage.

Sometimes.. the WebBrowser works... sometimes...

So I was wondering if you have any advice to make, on what should I change, what should I look for, in order to make it work.

Did you have any similar experience with it?

Accepted Answer
Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 21 February 2020 18:20 PM UTC
  2. Beta Testing
  3. # Permalink

Hi Yainnis;

  Is this a test using the PB2019 R2 Beta release? If so, please open a support ticket for this issue and also attach your PB App above as a Test Case. Many thanks in advance!

Regards ... Chris

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Raimund Raschkowski Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 19 June 2020 11:37 AM UTC
  2. Beta Testing
  3. # 1


I have the same problem like Yiannis. Sometimes the webbrowser control loads a site, but somestimes it doesn't.

Is there a solution for this behaviour? I am using Appeon PowerBuilder 2019 R2 Built 2328

Thank you , Raimund 

  1. Yiannis Papadomichelakis
  2. Friday, 19 June 2020 11:47 AM UTC
Hi Raimund

I never tested it on build 2328, but since you are still experiencing these problems, I think Appeon is still working on it.

You can see the progress of this bug here:


  1. Helpful
  1. Raimund Raschkowski
  2. Friday, 19 June 2020 12:22 PM UTC
Hi Yiannis, thank you very much for your fast answer!
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Daniel Seguin Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 20 August 2024 17:35 PM UTC
  2. Beta Testing
  3. # 2
I am using Powerbuilder 2022R3 - 3356
On my personal development box, the command
li_status = wb_navigator.Navigate("www.google.ca") returns 1 (valid url)
li_status = wb_navigator.Navigate("something") returns -1  (it's not a valid url) 

but on my client box, with the same version the example with the invalid url still returns 1 

here is a snippet of the code:
I am using Powerbuilder 2022R3 - 3356
On my personal development box, the command
li_status = wb_navigator.Navigate("www.google.ca") returns 1 (valid url)
li_status = wb_navigator.Navigate("something") returns -1  (it's not a valid url) 

but on my client box, with the same version the example with the invalid url still returns 1 

here is a snippet of the code:

//actual web url to navigate to
is_url_orig = ls_url

//test the webbrowser error management
//something is not a valid url so it should return a value < 0, i would expect -5
//but when testing in a different dev environment (mine), it returns -1
//on the client machine, powerbuilder returns a 1 thinking something is a valid website
ls_url = "something"

// SPRF-1589, 2024-08-19, D.Seguin - Utilisation du nouveau standard visual webbrowser alias u_webbrowser
li_status = wb_navigateur.Navigate(ls_url) 
if li_status <> 1 then
	ls_msgerreur = "Une erreur est apparue lors de l'ouverture de la page internet suivante: " + & 
	trim(ls_url) + "~r~n"
	choose case li_status
	   case -1
			ls_msgerreur = trim(ls_msgerreur) + "Erreur général"
	   case -2 
			ls_msgerreur = trim(ls_msgerreur) + "Erreur causée par l'impossibilité d'obtenir un instance du navigateur"
	   case -5
			ls_msgerreur = trim(ls_msgerreur) + "Erreur causée par une adresse internet invalide"
	end choose
	SignalError (15000, ls_msgerreur)
end if

Any ideas?



Any ideas? Thanks Daniel
  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 20 August 2024 18:03 PM UTC
Hi Daniel, I suggest making a new post because 1) this post is marked as resolved//closed, and 2) this was for reporting issues with the beta and you are not using the beta.
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