Hello Powerbuilders....!
The WebBrowser control sometimes works... and sometimes doesn't!
On the following screenshot, on the left I places a WebBrowser control and on the right the MS Internet browser.
This is the code on Window's open event is quite simple:
String sURL
sURL = 'https://www.appeon.com/'
ole_1.object.Navigate(sURL, 0, "", "", "");int r
r = wb_1.navigate(sURL);
if r <> 1 then
post messageBox('', r);
end if;
As you can see on the screenshot, the WebBrowser produces an error, while the MS control shows the webpage.
Sometimes.. the WebBrowser works... sometimes...
So I was wondering if you have any advice to make, on what should I change, what should I look for, in order to make it work.
Did you have any similar experience with it?