Hi Jim,
1. If you log into your Citrix Desktop with the Administrator account, does it have the same issue?
2. Regarding the feedback from other customers, this issue might be caused by incorrectly setting Group Policy for Printer Redirection to ensure that the client’s default printer displays in the Print Dialog. (Since I don’t have a Citrix machine, I cannot verify this at now.)
I suggest that you can refer to the workaround in the link below and see if it can solve the issue:
Another workaround is calling the external Windows API to set the printer before printing:
//Declare the following external function:
Function long GetDefaultPrinterW(ref string sPrinterName, ref long lPrinterNameBufferSize) LIBRARY "winspool.drv"
//Add the following code before calling any printing related functions:
string ls_printer
long ll_ret
ll_ret= GetDefaultPrinterW(ls_printer)
if ll_ret=0 then
//Failed to get the printer
end if
This is so strange. Are this different application and the one has the print issue both deployed based on PowerBuilder 2017 R3 Build 1858?
Are there differences with the Runtime packages of these two applications?
As you said, "This is NOT happening for all users." Can you compare the machine environment differences between the users that occur this issue and that don’t have the issue?