Hello, all
I need to know what my options are in using external .NET assemblies in .NET assembly target of PB 2017.
I cannot find written help on that at all.
I see that I can import the assembly in the target and see them in the system tree. But how do I use the classes from this assembly? I used to work in PB.NET 12.5 and it was seamless there. Now I need to see what my options in PB 2017 are.
Thank you
Arcady Abramov
Silverbyte Systems
It is not really clear to me how the new version is supposed to work. In PB11.5 we had an option of using conditional code blocks. In PB12.5 we had the PB.NET.
Right now, I cannot figure out what I am supposed to do with an imported .NET assembly inside an .NET assembly target.
I see the imported assemblies, I see the classes, but how to get to them is a mistery. What's the point of using a COM wrapper on a target, which is going to be deployed as .NET assembly or service?