I have some code in rbuttondown for a column that is AutosizeHeight and can have Null values.
It the value of the column and row is not null or empty string everything is fine. Otherwise the DWO argument of the event gives me something else than the clicked column. The DWO.Type is "datawindow" instead of "column". The behavior is like the column is not there and rbutonndown happens directly on detail band.
How to get the good DWO reference in this case?
I'm using this object everywhere in the app and I would still like to find a generic solution without changing the dw.
The column has already the detail band height.
I tried to show in a MessageBox the X, Y, Width, Heigt and Visible of the column and everything is Ok. The column should be there. Also if the column has a border I cannot see the border until I'm entering a non empty string.
The Click event always detect correctly the column in the DWO but RButtondDown does not :-(