None of these functions return Success in our environment from executables (i have commented these lines before posting here). Am I missing something here? I have tried everything but nothing helped. Everything works fine from development though. Thanks!
// int li_Test
// MessageBox("GetCurrentDirectory( )", GetCurrentDirectory( ))
// li_Test = ApplyTheme (".\themes190\Flat Design Blue")
// MessageBox("First",li_Test)
// li_Test = ApplyTheme (".\..\themes190\Flat Design Blue")
// MessageBox("Second",li_Test)
// li_Test = ApplyTheme ("themes190\Flat Design Blue")
// MessageBox("Third",li_Test)
// li_Test = ApplyTheme ("themes190\Flat Design Blue")
// MessageBox("Third",li_Test)
// li_Test = ApplyTheme ("theme190\Flat Design Blue")
// MessageBox("Fourth",li_Test)
// li_Test = ApplyTheme ("themes190\Flat Design Blue")
// MessageBox("Fifth",li_Test)
// li_Test = ApplyTheme ("Flat Design Blue")
// MessageBox("Sixth",li_Test)
// li_Test = ApplyTheme (GetCurrentDirectory( )+"\Flat Design Blue")
// MessageBox("VII",li_Test)
// li_Test = ApplyTheme ("E:\PowerAgent\PowerBuilder Upgrade\PA19.0MainSP01\themes190\Flat Design Blue")
// MessageBox("E:\PowerAgent\PowerBuilder Upgrade\PA19.0MainSP01\themes190\Flat Design Blue",li_Test)