Trying SMTPClient object with Powerbuilder 2022R2 build 2819 in Windows 10
i create some function to to send email sync and async and work aawesome,
but i had a trouble to check responses to the sending async.. i had some questions
Question 1
in description
In description said: Occurs when an email is sent by SendAsync. If there is an error from SendAsync, this event gets the error number and error text.
and in the list of error number:
The return error number. Returns 1 if sending email succeeds and one of these negative numbers if it fails.
1 -- Success. ( can i get errornumber = 1 ??)
-1 -- A general error occurred.
-2 -- Unable to connect to service through proxy.
-3 -- Couldn’t resolve proxy. The given proxy host could not be resolved.
-4 -- Couldn’t resolve host. The given remote host could not be resolved.
-5 -- Failed to connect to host.
-6 -- Host using bad/illegal format or missing host.
-7 -- ...................................
Alwais get errornumber or only if there is an error like said in description ?
(in this case never get errornumber 1 )
Question 2
I can´t get response from OnSendFinished event,
maybe i´am doing something wrong ..
i create an object inherit from SMTClient and add log file in OnSendFinished event, but the file is never written
i attached a word file.
thanks a lot people