Just upgraded from PB 11.5 (circa 2008) to PB 2021.
PB 11.5 never had the ability to search all source code of a workspace or target. In the TWELVE years they had to improve the IDE, they never implemented search all? Wow. Just wow.
My old solution was Technokitten's PBL Peeper but it looks like it might not be functional in PB 2021 any more.
So what are people using to do "find in workspace" or "Find in entire app"... for powerbuilder 2021?
I just didn't know that menu was there. I expected it to be expressed in the menus at the top, possibly revealing itself when the tree view was clicked on. Hidden on a right-click menu is pretty windows-classic... like windows for workgroups 3.11 classic :)
Another thing I do sometimes to search pbls, but it requires using source control like Git, I do search in ws_objects from windows explorer. This is a great feature and it works in many case better than PB's search.