When running powerserver 2022 with dynamic cursor and DynamicDescriptionArea we are getting different answer on output paramtype in powerserver regards to standard Client Powerbuilder
Standard Client return TypeLong! in OutParmType[1] while Powerserver return TypeString!
same code and same type of data and run.
Anyone that could explain why ?
DynamicStagingArea dsa_sql
DynamicDescriptionArea dda_sql
Declare cur_sql_halvtrans Dynamic Cursor For dsa_sql;
// Prepare
Prepare dsa_sql From 'select i_adr_number from hf.adressehistorikk where i_id = 334' Using this;
Describe dsa_sql Into dda_sql;
For l_peker = 1 To Upperbound( pan_parameters[] )
SetDynamicParm( dda_sql, l_peker, pan_parameters[l_peker] )
Open Dynamic cur_sql_halvtrans Using Descriptor dda_sql;
l_peker = 0
Fetch cur_sql_halvtrans Using Descriptor dda_sql;
Do While this.sqlcode = 0
l_peker ++
Choose Case dda_sql.OutParmType[1]
Case TypeDecimal!, TypeDouble!, TypeInteger!, TypeLong!, TypeReal!, TypeUint!, TypeUlong!, TypeBoolean!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicNumber( dda_sql, 1 )
Case TypeString!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicString( dda_sql, 1 )
Case TypeDate!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicDate( dda_sql, 1 )
Case TypeDateTime!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicDateTime( dda_sql, 1 )
Case TypeTime!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicTime( dda_sql, 1 )
Case Else
guo_lasterror.f_raiseerror( 0, this, "", "uo_halv_transaction.f_cursorsql( ) : Dynamisk cursor : GetDynamic returns invalid type.~r~n~r~n" + helpers.novalue( ps_tilleggsmelding, "N/A" ) + "~r~n~r~nDYN. SQL:~r~n" + helpers.novalue( ps_sql, "N/A" ) )
End Choose
Fetch cur_sql_halvtrans Using Descriptor dda_sql;
Close cur_sql_halvtrans;
Destroy dsa_sql
Destroy dda_sql
uploaded codeexample.
And look forward to either corrections or input on what I can do
This issue is a bug.
We reproduced it on our end and our development team will work on fixing it.
We will get back to you once it gets fixed.
Good news that PowerBuilder 2022 MR (build 1900) is available for download.
The issue you reported has been fixed in this release.
Please download and install it to verify the issue you reported and let us know if any problems.
You can get the installer from our Downloads portal at https://account.appeon.com/download (login required).
We welcome all feedback from you!