When running powerserver 2022 with dynamic cursor and DynamicDescriptionArea we are getting different answer on output paramtype in powerserver regards to standard Client Powerbuilder
Standard Client return TypeLong! in OutParmType[1] while Powerserver return TypeString!
same code and same type of data and run.
Anyone that could explain why ?
DynamicStagingArea dsa_sql
DynamicDescriptionArea dda_sql
Declare cur_sql_halvtrans Dynamic Cursor For dsa_sql;
// Prepare
Prepare dsa_sql From 'select i_adr_number from hf.adressehistorikk where i_id = 334' Using this;
Describe dsa_sql Into dda_sql;
For l_peker = 1 To Upperbound( pan_parameters[] )
SetDynamicParm( dda_sql, l_peker, pan_parameters[l_peker] )
Open Dynamic cur_sql_halvtrans Using Descriptor dda_sql;
l_peker = 0
Fetch cur_sql_halvtrans Using Descriptor dda_sql;
Do While this.sqlcode = 0
l_peker ++
Choose Case dda_sql.OutParmType[1]
Case TypeDecimal!, TypeDouble!, TypeInteger!, TypeLong!, TypeReal!, TypeUint!, TypeUlong!, TypeBoolean!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicNumber( dda_sql, 1 )
Case TypeString!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicString( dda_sql, 1 )
Case TypeDate!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicDate( dda_sql, 1 )
Case TypeDateTime!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicDateTime( dda_sql, 1 )
Case TypeTime!
pan_result[l_peker] = GetDynamicTime( dda_sql, 1 )
Case Else
guo_lasterror.f_raiseerror( 0, this, "", "uo_halv_transaction.f_cursorsql( ) : Dynamisk cursor : GetDynamic returns invalid type.~r~n~r~n" + helpers.novalue( ps_tilleggsmelding, "N/A" ) + "~r~n~r~nDYN. SQL:~r~n" + helpers.novalue( ps_sql, "N/A" ) )
End Choose
Fetch cur_sql_halvtrans Using Descriptor dda_sql;
Close cur_sql_halvtrans;
Destroy dsa_sql
Destroy dda_sql
uploaded codeexample.
Using : Oracle Database 19c Standard Edition 2 Release