Hi Armeen,
we're already using PowerServer 2021 also, but for other requirements. Especially for this requirement we have to use PowerServer 2020. In the Installation Guide there is a setting "WorkWithAzure"in the SilentInstall.ini. So it seems that this scenario should work. Or what does this setting exaclty do?
Or does it mean to work in a Windows Azure environment without a docker container?
If so, which Azure environment does it exaclty mean?
The document only says "Sets whether to work with the Windows Azure environment."
If I were using a Windows Server Docker Image with IIS I don't see any reason at the moment why it shouldn't work.
But before installing and testing it by my own, which is also expensive, I'm asking here, because it's easier and faster. And maybe someone has had experience with it.
Is it really technically not possible to get this working?
Marco Diers