I have read the white paper and it sounds absolutely amazing! :-)
3 Questions:
- Can I deploy the PB application to a webserver in Azure and then access/run it from inside the organization? (invoke first time using a web browser)
- Are there any additional costs other that the PowerBuilder license ?
- The deployment procedure is that invoked from PowerBuilder IDE or can I create my own installer that can deploy the application to a webserver?
I am fully aware that this is not the PowerServer deployment and that the application code runs on the local machine using local resources like database etc.
Hi Armeen,
Thank you the the reply and i like the answers :-)
3 more questions:
1. What about the permissions required to install the PB application?
Usually when installing an application in general the user logged into windows needs to be local admin.
2. In my case I have many additional files that needs to go into a number of subfolders under the main installation folder. can that be done ?
3. I have 3 ActiveX controls that should be registered. can that be done?
(Only the PB application is using the controls, so they do not need to be registered for other programs to use.)
// Steen
I think Appeon is really good at providing the right enhancements to PowerBuilder.
Sybase wans completely out of touch with their user base and did so little broadly useful enhancements. All that "java" and EA server "shit" was completely useless for 99% of the PB developers.
SO ... Thank you for taking so good care of PowerBuilder it is most appreciated and worth the subscription fee. (I have 2 Cloud licenses)
2. Yes, you can package additional files with your app.
3. Yes, you can package and register OCX/ActiveX, but this will require user to have admin privileges.