Hello all:
I have an issue with PB12.6 on my laptop. When I disconnect the laptop from his dock, disconnecting it from the wired network and connecting to the wifi network, then PB12.6 doesn't start anymore. Only appears the launching window, and remains there forever.
I have activated Syssam logs, because I suspect that maybe changing from the wired network to wifi, makes the MAC address to change, and then the lic file was not valid, but the syssam logs says that the license is valid.
The only workaround I found is to completely uninstall PB and install again, but this is very annoying.
Any clue about what it's avoiding PB to start normally?
Thanks in advance.
When I first had this issue this is what I though it was happening. However, I enable the Sysam logs, and the logs says that the license was valid. This is the Sysam log:
SyLAPI Version: Sybase Licensing API/2.3/20301/32bit/2/P/NT (IX86)/Windows 2003/OPT/Thu Mar 12 13:27:39 2015
PB/IM Version:
Using properties file: c:\users\jgarcia\appdata\local\sybase\powerbuilder 12.6\pb126_sysam.properties
Product Name: pb126GA
Instance Name: pb126GA
2019/07/31 16:48:27 Using licenses from: c:\users\jgarcia\appdata\local\sybase\powerbuilder 12.6\PB126.lic
DesiredEdition=PowerBuilder - EE
CO Filter: 'PE=EE;LT=SS'
CO Feature: 'PowerBuilder'
CO Version: '2013.0401'
2019/07/31 16:48:27 Checked out license for 1 PowerBuilder (2013.04010/permanent/0CD2 2935 84E4 B299).
License Verified
--License Report--
Product Installed: Fri Mar 10 08:28:39 2017
PowerBuilder: 1
Version: 2013.04010
Status: OK
Issuer: CO= Sybase, Inc.;EGO=;PT=FU;MIC=0;MHC=0
Filter: PE=EE;LT=SS (request)
Vendor: PE=EE;LT=SS (given)
License Expires: never
Stat: 0x00000000
--End License Report--
I will try to use as MAC address to generate the license file the MAC address for the WIFI card. I have also read somewhere that the serial number for the hard disk can be used instead of MAC address.
In other order of things, we are currently using Appeon PB, but still there are a bunch of apps in PB12 that needs to be migrated, so I still need my PB12 IDE working :(
Thanks for your help