We recently began looking into Shared Object functions to multithread some long running processes in our system. While putting together a business case, I found that these functions are not supported in PowerServer (Web).
I wasn't sure if displaying a progress bar during the separate processes was unsupported or the asynchronous, so I wired up the example and had no success.
We support both client-server and web versions of our software deployed from PowerBuilder & Appeon PowerServer, so utilizing the same code in both is beneficial.
What are our options in PB 2019 to call processes asynchronously so that they work both in client-server and web?
- Mike
Do you have any bug fixes / improvements that may be of interest. I'd like to be aware of any challenges you've come across while implementing functionality with the shared objects.
The one thing I found interested is I cannot pass a datastore as an argument into the shared NVO. I though the DS was an NVO but the error messages states it is a visual object.