We recently began looking into Shared Object functions to multithread some long running processes in our system. While putting together a business case, I found that these functions are not supported in PowerServer (Web).
I wasn't sure if displaying a progress bar during the separate processes was unsupported or the asynchronous, so I wired up the example and had no success.
We support both client-server and web versions of our software deployed from PowerBuilder & Appeon PowerServer, so utilizing the same code in both is beneficial.
What are our options in PB 2019 to call processes asynchronously so that they work both in client-server and web?
- Mike
We figured we begin by converting the current process to an NVO first, but before beginning understand the implications tied to the course of action.
running on the same box as the user is not really an option for powerserver web clients, for that you would want to run on a server. that can be done as webservice or some sort of process queue. you basically are running a batch job.