1. Don Olliver
  2. SnapObjects
  3. Monday, 19 August 2019 18:39 PM UTC

Using PB 2019, we have migrated several datastores to a SnapDevelop .NET assembly. Looking through the various tutorials and sample projects, we do not see any examples of accessing datastore column values using object dot notation. All appear to use GetItem and SetItem for this purpose, as shown below.

intProductId = product.GetItem(0, "productid");
dataStore.SetItem(0, "name", OrderReportMonth1.GetItem(0, "subcategoryname"));


intPersonId = businessEntity.GetItem(0, "businessentityid");
person.SetItem(0, "businessentityid", intPersonId);


var productPhoto = new DataStore("d_productphoto", _context);
productPhoto.SetItem(0, "LargePhotoFileName", photoname);
productPhoto.SetItem(0, "modifieddate", DateTime.Now);

Can .NET datastore column values be accessed by some flavor of dot notation, such as


Would someone please provide a few examples of object dot notation use?



Don Olliver

Accepted Answer
Logan Liu @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 21 August 2019 06:36 AM UTC
  2. SnapObjects
  3. # Permalink

Hi Don,

Sorry, I missed your concerning about how to set values to .Net DataStore like object dot notation in PowerScript.

You asked a very good question. We can't set data by the LINQ style, because the reference of the inner models haven't been exposed to the developers. Appeon is already researching on how to provide a better strongly-typed data accessing solution for .NET DataStore. 

In current version, you can use SetModel() method to work around it:

            // Gets the third row (a new model object).
            var row = ds.GetModel(2);
            // Changes its name (D_Department.Name property).
            row.Name = "New Name";
            // Sets values back to the third row of DataStore.
            ds.SetModel(2, row);



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Don Olliver Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 21 August 2019 18:48 PM UTC
  2. SnapObjects
  3. # 1

Hi Logan,

One more question. Are GetItem and SetItem the best options to use from a performance perspective? Or, should we consider LINQ querying and SetModel()?



  1. Logan Liu @Appeon
  2. Friday, 23 August 2019 02:43 AM UTC
Hi Don,

I can't compare their performance simply, because they are used in 3 different scenarios:

For GetItem() and SetItem() methods, they can access value of a specified column of a row. If you only want to set value for one column of a row, GetItem() and SetItem() have better performance in most time.

For AddModel(), GetModel() and SetModel() methods, they can access a row of data. If you want to insert a new row, or set values for many columns of a row, in most time, these generic methods have better performance.

For AsEnumerable, it takes a data buffer of DataStore as a IEnumerable object. Then you can use LINQ querying to do operations that are more complex to query the data.


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Don Olliver Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 21 August 2019 14:00 PM UTC
  2. SnapObjects
  3. # 2

Thanks very much Logan. We will decide which syntax standards to enforce as we convert our PowerScript code.


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Don Olliver Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 20 August 2019 13:19 PM UTC
  2. SnapObjects
  3. # 3

Hi Logan,

Thanks very much for providing access examples. Would you use the same methods to set data?


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Logan Liu @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 20 August 2019 02:27 AM UTC
  2. SnapObjects
  3. # 4

Hi Don,

You can use LINQ to acess data in .Net DataStore for instead. It can display errors directly during the encoding process and achieve more maintainable code. E.g.:

            var ds = new DataStore("d_department", _dataContext);


            var data = ds.AsEnumerable();
            // Gets deptId at index 2 (the third row)
            int departmentId = data.ElementAt(2).DepartmentId;

            // Gets the first 3 rows
            var departments = data.Take(3);

            // Gets departmentId, departmentName and GroupName columns
            var result = data.Select(o => new Tuple(o.DepartmentId, o.Name, o.GroupName));



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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 19 August 2019 23:37 PM UTC
  2. SnapObjects
  3. # 5

Hi Don;

  In the current SnapDevelop release, the DOT notation is not supported in C#.

Regards ... Chris

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Olan Knight Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 19 August 2019 20:30 PM UTC
  2. SnapObjects
  3. # 6

Try it out!

While I don't know the answer to your question, if dot notation is possible it SHOULD look a lot like the PB Classic dot notation, so give it a try!



  1. Bernie Rivera
  2. Monday, 19 August 2019 21:29 PM UTC
Hello Olan, I am part of the team that is attempting to use the .NET datastores and we did give it try and it didn't work. We were actually wondering if there was something that needed to be initialized or setup in order to enable this feature or whether this feature is even available for the .NET datastore since we cannot seem to find any examples of it being utilized in this way.
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  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 20 August 2019 15:25 PM UTC
Hi Bernie, Please take a look at Logan's post in this thread about how to achieve same functionality using standard C# approach.
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