1. Paweł Kasperek
  2. Beta Testing
  3. Thursday, 17 October 2024 11:08 AM UTC


Last time I downloaded PB 2025 Beta. I installed it and I've been migrating my project from PB 2022 R3 to PB 2025. I've got some questions because I didn't find answers in the documentation:

1. After migration, I have two folders: .pb and build. Do I need to add these folders to the .gitignore file? Maybe I should store the build/objects folder in a git repository with other source files?

2. I don't understand the following information: code objects in the PBL file will be converted to individual source code files in text format and stored in the corresponding folder under the Buildobject folder. What is the "Build" folder used for?

3. After migration I call Full Build, but I can't find pbd or exe libraries. Where now is the output folder for compiled libraries? Is possible to set it?

4. I use in some places follow functions:

  • FindClassDefinition

  • FindFunctionDefinition

  • FindTypeDefinition 

   Is there any solution to replace these with another function? Or maybe I should be still using the Legacy compiler?

5. Are there any other benefits besides faster and safer compilation from migrating to the new compiler? Does it have an impact on the final performance of the application?



Armeen Mazda @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 17 October 2024 15:41 PM UTC
  2. Beta Testing
  3. # 1

Hi Pawel, Please break up your post into individual questions.  Lumping so many questions in single post is not effective way to use this community Q&A.  You hurt yourself that not all your questions get visibility and get answered, and you hurt other people in community that they cannot easily search individual question and find which ones have been resolved.

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