Hi Bryant;
The common installers are located under the "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\appeon\weblibrary_ax" folder for .Net PowerServer. Under that folder you have the "support" install folder for Internet Explorer and the "CrossBrowser" folder for all web browsers other than IE.
In the "support" folder, unzip either the "ax_install_x32.zip" and/or "ax_install_x64.zip" file as needed then run their corresponding Update.exe to install the respective IE plug-in. In the "crossbrowser" folder run the "appeonbrowser.exe" installer. Note that you also have the IWA installer in that folder as well (appeoniwarunner.exe).
Once you discern which installer(s) your environment requires, you can update various workstations via a silent install or use a corporate deployment tool that runs these installers silently. Just make sure they run under a "local Admin" account. That should allow all users on that PC to have the plug-in(s) preinstalled.
Regards ... Chris