Featured Questions

Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi, Friends, I am consuming a webservice using SOAP .net Engine (pbwsclient170.pbx​)  https://celcer.sri.gob.ec/comprobantes-electronicos-ws/AutorizacionComprobantesOffline?wsdl ​but the message is (INVALID RESULTSET PARAMETER TYPE WAS DETEC...
Is there a way to set the Band.Height dynamically. This is the problem/reason why I am asking this is the following: We got an invoice formular/print. The headinformation (order#, invoice#, customer, adress, ...)should only be printed at page o...
Faulting application name: PB170.EXE, version:, time stamp: 0x59524117 Faulting module name: MSVCR100.dll, version: 10.0.40219.325, time stamp: 0x4df2be1e Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00001ed7 Faulting process id: 0x848 ...
Hi Community Noticed that PDF generated reasonably responsive via local but it become much slower when application was deployed to Terminal Server and launch by remote users via Terminal Services (RDP). Below are the snippet code: vdw_obj.Mo...
We provide the option of using IWA or regular browser for accessing my appeon web application.  I need to know which access method the user is using.  The browser type api (AppeonGetBrowserVersion ( )) is blank for the type (why is that?).  any thoug...
Hello, I have a custom ocx control on a PB classic window which interacts with MS Office. Right now, if the ocx file has not been deployed or registered, the application simply crashes after displaying "Error calling external object function' ...
Hi, is the switch [DataStore Behavior] UseHwnd=no working in Appeon PowerServer web and/or mobile? on desktop it brings some performance while working with datastores.   Regards Christian ...
Hello, Where can I get the planned release date for PB 2017 R1, R2 & R3 ? Happiness Always BKR Sivaprakash   ...
Hello to all. Is there any project to create a User group here in Italy? Gimmy ...
HI Guys I need to pick your brains, I am trying to make a call on a webservice where the WSDL file is hideously complicated compared to the one function that I would like to call. How can I simplify the WSDL or create the PB proxy objects manually...
Hello, PB 2017, Postgresql 10.1 I want to connect to postgresql without creating any DSN, which didn't succeed with the following code. Sqlca.DBMS =ODBC Sqlca.DBParm="Driver={PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(UNICODE)};DATABASE=db;SERVER=192.168.x...
I am attempting to save and display a pdf file in a mobile app using the following code.  of_loadlocalfile returns -1 and the code displays the following message: loadlocalfile error: "rc: -1 file: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/7BC99...4...
I am looking for ways to disconnect and closeout of our  application when it sits out there for an x number of hours when not being used. We are transitioning to PB2017, DB2 with an OBDC connection.   Thanks, Kwadwo Boahene ...
Hi guys, We have upgraded to 2017 and the users have noticed that the DataWindow SaveAs dialogue box (invoked by the data window SaveAs method) has changed from our previous installation under 12.6.  They don't like the new one !! As far...
Windows 7, 32 bit o/s PowerBuilder v12.1 Eclipse Juno Basic Java 1. I have successfully integrated SVN with PowerBuilder.     This means that SlikSVN and TortoiseSVN are on the VM and working properly. 2. I also have Java code that is invok...
Just wondering where the new appeon_workarounds.pbl is stored following installation of Powerbulider2017. I assume it is required to replace older bulid versions once a PB Mobile App is migrated to PB2017 Thanks Michael ...
Hi   I'm try to call to webservice using .Net Engine but in the metod it does not resolve in the same way what i do not using .Net Engine.   Return the same method but with differents variables   With .Net Engine    • migr...
I have been trying to use PBNISMTP (http://www.topwizprogramming.com/pbnismtp.html) in PB2017. When I try to import 64 bit .pbx, it fails with an error. "The file is not a valid dll or pbx file". 32 bit pbx imports fine. Any ideas? Help!  Thanks! ...
i get bad runtime function reference powerbuilder 21 in retrieve event   any help ?   ...
Same with Title. This mistake that made me so battered.   Code: li_rc = inv_luw.of_Update(apo_control, ab_accepttext, ab_resetflag) messagebox('of_update', sqlca.sqlerrtext) //sqlerrtext return "" messagebox('of_update&#...

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