Using PB 2022 R2 Build 2819 (64 bit) + TopWizProgramming RunAndWait
I'm trying to install two drivers (depending on choice, PostgreSQL or SQLite) through my application, if not available. I check for driver availability and call runandwait, if a particular driver is not found, through the command.
For PostgreSQL Driver
/* To silently install the driver */
ls_exe = "E:\Postgresql\driver\psqlodbc-setup.exe"
ls_exe = '"' + ls_exe + '"' + ' /quiet'
If Not lo_run.runandwait(ls_exe, 3) Then
ls_errormsg = lo_run.LastErrorText
MessageBox('Error', ls_errormsg, StopSign!)
ll_ret = -1
ll_ret = 1
End If
For SQLite Driver
/* To silently install SQLite Driver */
ls_exe = "E:\SQLite\driver\sqliteodbc_w64.exe"
ls_exe = '"' + ls_exe + '"' + ' /S'
If Not lo_run.runandwait(ls_exe, 3) Then
ls_errormsg = lo_run.LastErrorText
MessageBox('Error', ls_errormsg, StopSign!)
ll_ret = -1
ll_ret = 1
End If
PostgreSQL asks a confirmation message and installs. No issues.
I get the following message while installing SQLite.
The requested operation requires elevation.
Is there is any way that a program could be executed in elevated mode, through RunAndWait?
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash
I get a confirmation message from windows.
Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device?
When executed from ShellRunAndWait.
The same message doesn't appear when I open the IDE or Exe as an administrator.
Just to know whether any other option is available in ShellRunAndWait without displaying this message?
Function boolean IsUserAnAdmin ( ) Library "shell32.dll"