Microsoft says it no longer supports SQL Server Native Client and they didn't provide a new version with SQL Server 2016.
I am wondering what the future is for connecting to SQL Server.
I have PB 12.5.2 and SQL Server 2016. I am using an ODBC connection using the ODBC driver "SQL Server Native Client 11.0".
This setup doesn't recognize valid stored procedure declare statements. I have to switch to a SNC connection to get it to work.
I also have a driver installed called "ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server" which is the preferred connection method for SQL Server 2016. I have the same problem as the other ODBC driver:
Database C0038: An error occurred, but no message was returned by the database driver.
I hope that PB 2017 and beyond won't have this issue using ODBC. This is an IDE only error compiling the declare statement. The application runs fine using ODBC.