i think one of the key changes is that cloud vs desktop is not really a thing anymore in PB applications. PS2021+ uses what is really the desktop runtime so all functionality works pretty much the same.
My application has been available as both desktop and cloud for years now. The biggest changes these days is that we move database intensive processing to our applications rest api server (our api, not PS web api) to make things run faster. At runtime the system determines if it is running in PS or desktop mode, if PS it calls a rest api if desktop it creates the nvo and runs the process. This is not a required step but they can run much slower especially if the user is thousands of miles away from the servers and/or the internet connection is slow.
My point is that pretty much any enhancement or new feature to desktop is also an enhancement to cloud (PS). In the old PS/PB that was not the case.
Do you use Snapdevelop / C# for server side development?