No Web Service Datawindows in the application. Only the one single Web Service.
Here is the actual call:
LONG ll_ret
soapconnection s_conn
prophecyconnectservice u_soap
STRING ls_ret
STRING ls_key
str_del lstr_del[]
s_conn = create soapconnection
ll_ret = s_conn.createinstance(u_soap,"prophecyconnectservice")
IF ll_ret = 100 THEN
MessageBox(gnv_app.iapp_object.displayname,"Invalid Proxy Name")
IF ll_ret = 101 THEN
MessageBox(gnv_app.iapp_object.displayname,"Failed to create Proxy")
ls_key = f_get_prophecy_key()
ls_ret = u_soap.getcaregivers(ls_key,al_caregiver_id,al_dept_id)
//{"Success": "true","Departments": [{"DepartmentID": "6489", "Name": "Allied Staffing"},{"DepartmentID": "6488", "Name": "Main Office"}]}
IF LEFT(ls_ret,20) = '{"Success": "false",' THEN
DESTROY s_conn
POST MessageBox(gnv_app.iapp_object.displayname,"Load of Caregivers has failed. Error = " + ls_ret)
DESTROY s_conn
Now this works in PB2017 and also in all Runtime but no in the 2019 IDE
Instead, add PBWSClient190.pbd to your library list.
Removed any previous PBWSClient170.pbd file.
Do the same above procedure for DOM, EJB, etc features.
Much, much safer to use this method when updating or upgrading your PB IDE release / versions. Especially MR's!
How can I now remove the pbx files that were imported? Just so I can test this approach.
IMHO, the PBD approach, its much more obvious - just replace all PBxxxxxNnn.pbd's with the new PBxxxxxNnn.pbd ones and voila - your done the update/upgrdxe. This is also very easy to visualize that you need to do this when migrating or even updating when you see these in your library list. The same for newer PB developers that carry on your work (ie: in PB2021). PBX's are not that obvious to other PB Developers that take over your App(s). Just my $0.02.
Whatever objects that you see in the PBD's, those similar objects will have been imported via the xxxxxx.PBX files. So just delete these duplicates from where ever they appear in your App's PBL's now.