I am currently developing applications in PB 2017. I do have PB 2019 available but have yet to migrate over.
I am aware that PB 2017 & 2019 have REST support but I have not had a use case for it, until recently.
I may need to leverage an API which uses GraphQl instead of REST.
So, does PowerBuilder support GraphQl? Is it possible to leverage the REST capability in PB to execute GraphQl queries and mutations?
Any guidance is much appreciated.
Thank you for the quick reply.
I'm a bit confused by some of your comments. My apologies for being so dense, this is new territory for me. I guess my big take away is that the PB Rest Client is not going to help me with this problem.
I work in a simple PB/ MS SQL Server environment. If I want to read/update data between my SQL Server DB and a cloud application API (GraphQl) does PB offer any functionality to do this? If not I will look at alternatives (SSIS perhaps).
BTW I have watched most of the HOW TO GRAPHQL tutorials that you referenced. The site is a great resource.
Thank you for the link and patience.
If you want to interface to GraphQL via SSIS, then you would be doing the same thing as a PB App - that is using a RESTFul interface. The GraphQL server can expose its underlying data via communicating directly to the DBMS via RESTFul web service calls. For example in SSIS: http://www.msbiinfo.com/2019/01/getting-started-with-graphql-in-aspnet.html
PB's RESTFulClient would enable your PB Apps to make the same GraphQL Rest calls and then introspect the JSON data on the way back using PB's new JSONParser object class.
Regards ... Chris