Is there any method to change the menu of a window, for its original menu?
I am testing, but the changemenu() fails
// Reestablecemos el menú de la hoja activa
lw_sheet = w_frame.GetActiveSheet()
if isValid(lw_sheet) then
// Test: Pare eliminar el Menú (asignamos un menú Vacio)
li_ret = lw_sheet.changemenu(m_vacio) --> Returns 1
// Obtenemos el menú original de la ventana, puesto que el change menú lo cambia
ls_ventana = lw_sheet.className()
lw_temp = create using ls_ventana
ls_menu_original = lw_temp.MenuName
if isNull(ls_menu_original) then ls_menu_original = ""
// Reestablecer menú original creado dynamicamente
lm_menu = create using ls_menu_original
li_ret = lw_sheet.changemenu(lm_menu) --> Returns -1
end if
It sounds like a redraw problem and it looks like you are using a Theme?
Would it be possible to install a version without theme (just to test)?
It could be because CITRIX has migrated from Windows Server 2008 to Window Server 2016. With 2008, the "Themes" were not applied (they did not work) and now they do.
We will test it,
Thank you very much.