Hi All,
I have Powerbuilder 2017R3 and SVN server using http. but it give me error when try to connect to workspace using http url. give LOGON popup "Failed to perform the specified operation. Please make sure you can connect to the server repository." This error raised immediately even I put wrong url or wrong user & password. (as in attached picture)
I have an other pc which use same powerbuilder but it connected with SVN without any problem ....
i tried to reinstall tortoise svn client - TortoiseSVN- -(which it connected alone to svn server successfully) , reinstall java (java version "1.8.0_72"), reinstall powerbuilder, update my OS -windows 10 pro-
It is faill all ...
Any suggestions?
From all of your descriptions, it can be determined that it is an environmental problem, but it is not yet possible to determine where the problem lies.
It is recommended that you do another test based on this workaround, open a new PB session, and execute connect to workspace to see if the connection is normal?
BTW, as 2017 R3 is EOMM, we suggest that you upgrade to 2019 R3 or 2022 R2 at your earliest convenience. If you still have an issue with the newer version, please submit a ticket at https://www.appeon.com/standardsupport/newbug and we can further assist with the issue.
Thanks a lot.
I will try to check new version as you advice ....