1. Dhruv Jain
  2. InfoMaker
  3. Wednesday, 3 July 2024 06:51 AM UTC

Vertical Texts are getting shifted from place. in psr files. Can anyone how to solve this problem.

John Fauss Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 3 July 2024 21:09 PM UTC
  2. InfoMaker
  3. # 1

Hi, Dhruv -

Your question is very generic...perhaps it is too generic. Some details will be needed in order for someone to even venture a guess as to the cause of the issue and/or a possible solution. I'm listing several example questions that might be helpful:

1. What version, release and build of InfoMaker are you using?

2. Are you saying that vertically-oriented text (presumably with an escapement expression that evaluates to either 90 or 270 degrees) displays correctly in InfoMaker, but prints incorrectly?

3. How severe is the discrepancy? For example, a few pixels/dots or barely noticeable, moderately noticeable, very noticeable.

4. Can you post any images that illustrate the issue?

5. What fonts are exhibiting this issue?

6. The rendering of a report (DataWindow) is largely dependent on the currently selected default Windows printer. Is this issue confined to one particular printer, many, or all? Have you tried different printers?

7. Can you attach a zip'd example of a .psr that exhibits the issue? Note: Please do not post anything that contains confidential information.

8. Is the .psr created in InfoMaker or in a PowerBuilder application? If PB, what version, release and build?

9. What version of Windows is InfoMaker running on?

The more details you can provide, the better the chance that someone in the Community might be able to analyze the issue and offer a suggestion that might help.

Best regards, John

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