Yes, we are currently doing it on our project. The basic idea is to setup a custom VM, configure it as an agent to be used by your project's pipeline, and then invoke PBC to build your target(s). Here is the script we are using:
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Define the version of SAF")]
[string] $SAFVersion = ""
# Previously generated executable files
Remove-Item progsaf_c.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Build SAF executable (exe + pbd files)
Write-Host "COMPILATION ..."
Write-Host "Building version $SAFVersion"
$AutoCompileCommand = "& ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\AutoCompiler 19.0\pbc190.exe"" /d " + ("progsaf.pbt") + " /o " + ("progsaf_c.exe") + " /w y /f /m n /x 32 /bg y /p ""SAF "" /cp ""Groupe SOLINA"" /de ""Application Législation Alimentaire et R&D"" /cr ""Groupe Solina Development"" /v ""$SAFVersion"" /fv ""$SAFVersion"" /ge 0"
Write-Host "Command: " $AutoCompileCommand
Invoke-Expression -Command $AutoCompileCommand
# seems like invoke-expression does not allow us to do proper error handling
# going to test we generated and .exe
if (!(Test-Path ".\progsaf_c.exe")) {
Write-Error "No 'progsaf_c.exe' file produced, compilation probably failed."
Exit 1