MultiSubnetFailover is ignored when added to DBParm string.
We are trying to connect PowerBuilder 2021 application running on AppStream to AWS sql server - SQL 2016.
Roughly doing:
SQLCA.DBParm = ls_dbparm + ",MultiSubnetFailover=true"
Any suggestion on how to make it work?
I didn't get any error for adding MultiSubnetFailover=true. But, the MultiSubnetFailover=true property not working. Does this property really support PB2021?
Your DBParm String can be something like this:
SQLCA.DBParm = "Database='myDatabase',TrustedConnection=1,ProviderString='MultiSubnetFailover=true'"
I would set the MultiSubnetFailover to be a part of the ProviderString (In the DB Dialog the "Extended Properties")
You can also Connect by using only the ProviderString like:
SQLCA.DBParm = "ProviderString='Provider=MSOLEDBSQL;Server=<server>;Database=<database>;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultiSubnetFailover=true'"
So that no setting for SQLCA.ServerName property is needed.
In SQLClient it is a boolean property, but in the ProviderString documentations it is Yes/No.
Try to use a ProviderString like:
SQLCA.DBParm = "ProviderString='Provider=MSOLEDBSQL;Server=<server>;Database=<database>;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultiSubnetFailover=Yes'"